Kinds of Givers (part 1)
Our dear friend Pastor Ruiz has been such a blessing to us over the years as we visited the Philippines. On our last visit, he mentioned an outline of giving he used during his church anniversary and I asked for it. The following are a few of the things he mentioned interlaced with my thoughts.
Kinds of Givers (1)
Good Morning,
Our dear friend Pastor Ruiz has been such a blessing to us over the years as we visited the Philippines. On our last visit, he mentioned an outline of giving he used during his church anniversary and I asked for it. The following are a few of the things he mentioned interlaced with my thoughts.
Types of Givers
Jose Ruiz
Open Door Bible Baptist Church
Sixteen Kinds of Givers in the Church:
1. The Cheater
A cheater violates rules; he is a swindler or a liar. Such were Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. They sold land; and as others were bringing their goods to benefit the ministry, they wanted to appear generous. Only, they just gave a part of their profit. It was not wrong to only give part, but it was wrong that they wanted to appear to be something they were not. At the end of the story, God killed them.
• They thought no one would know about it.
• They were not aware of the consequences.
• Their concern was for themselves not for the lost souls or the ministry of Christ’s Gospel.
2. The Controlled Giver
He restrained and regulates giving as he can see and plan, but misses many biblical principles in his philosophy.
1 Corinthians 16:2 “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.”
• He lacks faith.
• He lacks faithfulness.
• He lacks focus on eternal things.
When someone gives a little (compared to their abundance), he is offering God a little token, not a gift that expresses his love and gratitude to God. Is God not big enough to help you do something significant or something special for the eternal work of Christ? When we consider our love for God, could any gift be too big?
3. The Carnal Giver
Notice the difference between the one who lives by sight and one who gives freely meeting the Saviour. The disciples could not see any way of providing for the need to feed the five thousand. Without prayer or care, they suggested Christ send the people away on their own, hungry. Jesus saw the need and could not allow the crowd to go without Divine help.
One focused on the need; the other focused on the supply. One focused on that which they could see; the other focused on the God they could not see.
• The Disciples
Mark 6:36 “Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat.”
• The Saviour
Mark 8:3 “And if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of them came from far.”
We cannot focus our attention on only what we can see (or our budget). We need to go to God on behalf of needy people and ask the Lord to help us meet that need. I have often driven and prayed with tear-filled eyes from Murrieta to Sun City and through the endless neighborhoods and homes of Menifee. I saw that there was not a Baptist church, soul winners, or someone caring for those who are spiritually faint. While I see no way I can fix the need, there is a God and a longing in my heart. Perhaps, in mercy on these lost souls, God will do a miracle.
In John’s account of the story, it says, “There is a lad here.” All it takes is for us to offer what we have- the boy offered his small lunch. Carnal vision keeps our eyes on what we see and on only what is possible; spiritual eyes gaze heavenward looking for a miracle.
Ill-Gotten Gain
Proverbs 13:11 “Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.”
Good Morning,
Proverbs 13:11 “Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.”
There it is – a statement from God regarding wealth that was gained in a vain manor – it shall be diminished. The Bible is full of so many simple principles. If we would read our Bible and trust It, we would be a much wiser society. Instead, our generation seeks out wealth – wealth that was not earned, but taken from those who labored for it or perhaps gained by chance. God makes this principle clear: when you gather by labor, you will increase.
It was Judas who repented of the decision he had made for quick easy money, and he brought back his thirty pieces of silver. Judas knew he betrayed an innocent man, and it broke him to the point of suicide. Judas will spend eternity regretting many things, but one of those will be the deceitfulness of riches.
Mark 4:19 “And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.”
Judas hated those silver pieces because they revealed the sorry kind of man he was. When a person works, plans, and reaps gain, he can look at his past with pride, knowing that he achieved something through wisdom or simple, hard work. This method of gain brings a pride not a shame.
The poison of ill-gotten gain will ruin marriages, children, and friendships, and leave one person feeling very much isolated and filled with emotions of failure. Greed will spoil the heart and make it impossible to love and to truly care for others. Paul wrote that we should not steal, but that we should labor in order that we might have prosperity to give. The lesson was not to seek gain, but rather to seek an opportunity to serve another.
Proverbs 23:4 “Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom.”
The foolish idea that accumulating great amounts of money will make one happy has been proven endlessly false, yet men still seek wealth, believing it will answer the problems of life. Certainly money is a great friend and a wonderful tool, but when one seeks wealth, it warps the vision, it perverts the morals, and it twists the soul – soon wealth becomes the master!
Many people constantly blame others for their internal struggles, their inability to function, and other similar issues. Having never served in the military or faced the trauma of some, I cannot say what should or should not be going on in my heart. After nearly fifty years of reading my Bible and working with people, I have learned a few clear facts.
Good Morning,
Many people constantly blame others for their internal struggles, their inability to function, and other similar issues. Having never served in the military or faced the trauma of some, I cannot say what should or should not be going on in my heart. After nearly fifty years of reading my Bible and working with people, I have learned a few clear facts.
Though it is unpopular, here is a fact: Many people are struggling and have no one to blame but themselves. Before I explain, let us look at the Scripture:
Matthew 18:33 “Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?”
vs. 34 “And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him.”
vs. 35 “So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.”
The king had forgiven a man who was deeply in debt. That forgiven man then failed to forgive a co-worker who had some small debt owed him. The focal point in this passage is the word tormentors in verse 34. This man was to go on in life “tormented,” NOT because of something done to him, but because he failed to forgive.
I know people who illustrate this truth, but I am thinking of one of whom I dearly loved. We spent much time together, both socially and in ministry. On many occasions, this man had hurt his wife. She (at least from the outside) was a great lady and did her part in life. When the marriage ended, the man forgave, apologized, and continued with his life. She carried anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness. He went on to serve in a church in another city, he remarried, and lives a happy life. The wife seemed to never get back on track; she is out of church, out of touch, and hurting still. I believe much was due to her lack of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is not based on how deeply the wound is felt, it is based on how deeply we have offended a righteous God. We are to forgive as God forgave us.
Ephesians 4:32 “And be ye kind one to another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”
There are certainly biblical ways to find victory over a bitter and unforgiving heart. The most basic principle is to understand that however deeply we have been wounded, Jesus was wounded more because of our sin. No matter how much someone offended us, we have offended a holy God infinitely more. If God can forgive me and you, then God expects us to forgive others.
The tormentors are created by ourselves. God makes it clear that both the offended and offender can find peace and purpose, but God also promises that HE will deliver the unforgiving person to tormentors.
Forgiveness is powerful, vital, a divine mandate, and simply key in taking good care of ourselves. Somewhere, I read, “To forgive is to set a captive free and find out that the captive was me.” I know of some people who endured difficulty and found victory, but many years later, someone stirred up their hurt, nurtured their past trial, and helped to create an unforgiving spirit. The tormentors came, and the future was filled with frustration, anger, and a vindictive life. Life did not have to be that way. They had found years of peace and fulfillment; but somehow, the past, like a little spark of a campfire, was rekindled, stirred up, and began to blaze wrath in their soul.
The mercy of God, like the walls of a fortified city, protects us from far more than we realize. Satan has targeted endless evils toward the child of God. God's mercy, as was said in the book of Job, puts a hedge about us. When we fail to forgive, it is as if God opens the gate of protection to the evil outside, and the tormentors find access to our souls.
This access is not granted through the one who hurts us, it is opened when we hurt ourselves by failing to obey God and forgive. We need not go through life bitter, angry, and tormented. Finding rest will require that we forgive.
Baptist Roots
Many years ago, there were godly, fundamental folks in any number of churches: Baptists, Methodists, and many others. From early American history, the Protestants were the ones with colleges, money, and church philosophy resembling their formal roots – Catholic and Church of England. Although many were fundamental and preached the Gospel– they were far from Baptist. Groups split off, and the Bible church movement began fostering Community Churches, the Bible Institute movement, and other non-denominational groups.
Good Morning,
Many years ago, there were godly, fundamental folks in any number of churches: Baptists, Methodists, and many others. From early American history, the Protestants were the ones with colleges, money, and church philosophy resembling their formal roots – Catholic and Church of England. Although many were fundamental and preached the Gospel– they were far from Baptist. Groups split off, and the Bible church movement began fostering Community Churches, the Bible Institute movement, and other non-denominational groups.
Baptists also had some divisions: the Northern Baptist and Southern Baptist split, then the Northern split into GARB and CBC (General Association of Regular Baptist and Conservative Baptist). The more conservative, relaxed Baptists in the South also had their divisions. In time, the World Baptist Fellowship, the Bible Baptist Fellowship, and other similar groups were also formed.
Each group had its own personality and appearance, as we do in our families. Our family has a high percentage of Norwegian blood- and it shows. Most of us have intermingled, but the point I am trying to make is that our roots appear in how we look and even how we act.
In North Carolina, Shubal Sterns and the crowd of colonial-era Baptists were relaxed and loud. They had a variety of names put on them because of their shouting, audience response, and lively singing. Far from their Northern counterparts who had more formal services - the Southern Baptists also differed in church planting and soul winning. It is said that within a hundred years of the founding of Sandy Creek Baptist Church (1755), one thousand other Baptist churches were started.
The North had more industry and colleges, and thus had a more educated populace – even the Baptists. The Southerners were more of a “live off the land” type of people; schools were rare, and the preaching was loud and exciting.
Among Baptists today, seeing our roots is not difficult, although we are half a century away from our identity’s origin. Northern Baptist offshoots have a more formal church service, a more teaching-style of preaching, and perhaps sing choruses more often than a church whose roots are in the South.
If I may make some casual observations:
The more educated – the more sedate the service
The more formal the service – the less soul-winning
The more relaxed the service – more vibrant preaching, more common to see the poor among the audience, and more common to see converts baptized.
Some churches with southern roots have sought the more sedate and, perhaps, more educated circles of those in the North. It makes a difference!
I am concerned that our Independent Baptist colleges are seeking seminary-style teachers, who love to exhibit their scholarship. Topics are being taught in our Independent Baptist classrooms that never would have been tolerated in the Southern-style Baptist churches in years gone by. Colleges and seminaries have always been the root of compromise and complacency. I am not against education, but the style of education found in the traditional North is far different from that in the traditional South.
Some of our young people in churches whose roots are in the South refer to the preaching being “mean-spirited.” The strong, forceful, preaching of those whose roots are southern is ridiculed by the more sedate who want an acceptable kind of church service - one that fits in with the social elite. Those with Southern roots will tell you, that the social elites never fit with Southern-style Baptist preaching and church services.
The worship service of today is not new, it has simply been borrowed from those who came from Protestant roots. The “Pastor/Teacher” is not new; it is rooted in the Northern style of Baptist Church in history. I happen to be Norwegian, and I look that way, at least a little. My spiritual roots are from those relaxed, loud, exuberant Baptists in the South. I am not embarrassed about who I am. I assume, that when you spend any time at our church, you will notice that we definitely resemble those folks from the past.
If it matters, those with Protestant roots were the first to stop preaching the Gospel and to embrace theological liberalism. The Northern Baptists were next to fall in the area of soul separation and theologically conservative values. Those with Southern roots are certainly not exempt from compromise; but the southern roots are less formal service, and a smaller emphasis on education has preserved those southern churches a little longer than those in the North.
We may be a little rough in the pulpit - it is our heritage. On occasion, we may stomp our feet, raise our voices, and be a little offensive in our relaxed preaching style - it is who we are. Through the years, God has blessed these roots. It is they who have stayed the straightest when it comes to Bible-believing Christianity. Nice people tend to give, to bend, and to compromise.
One more element shows from our spiritual DNA: we are not very concerned about what people think of us. This new generation of safe space, “me first,” and “be kind” mentality does not impress the solid Bible-believer. The crowd of Southern preachers who hung their gerunds and dangled their participles also preached holiness and got folks saved.
I am concerned that our Bible colleges are trying to turn our young men into nice, educated, smooth-talking reverends. The process resembles an effort to turn my children into Italians or Puerto Ricans - that is not what we are! We are Norwegian. I am concerned that the “be nice” spirit that enables a neighbor to go to hell without one warning is creeping into the minds of our young Baptists.
Our Bible says we are to “reprove, rebuke, and exhort” with all long suffering and doctrine. This exhorting will not always be nice. The relaxed, loud, old-fashioned services with the in-your-face kind of preaching, are often the churches who are seeing people saved, baptized, and serving God in the ministry. The great commission is not to have nice, warm, and fuzzy church services. The great commission is to go, preach, baptize, and teach people to obey God. I, for one, will cling to my Baptist Heritage - the loose, loud style of casual preaching, singing, and praying in church.
Why People Lie
While I was growing up, lying was about the worst thing we could do (at least among the things we might consider doing). My parents looked upon a lie in the absolute worst perspective.
Good Morning,
While I was growing up, lying was about the worst thing we could do (at least among the things we might consider doing). My parents looked upon a lie in the absolute worst perspective.
I understand that we all lie in some way and try to appear better than we are (or less than we are). Some young men will strut around other young men trying to be bigger or tougher than they really are. These deeds are a form of lying. When I see an intentional statement of deceit, that person is immediately marked “off my list.” I will not listen to them or trust anything they say. When it became apparent that the COVID statistics were clearly twisted, I was done listening to the WHO and US health organizations.
In recent years, we have heard the most blatant lies told by the “alphabet organizations” across America. Consequently, I will not trust them in any area. I will not listen to them, read their material, or give the slightest credibility to their words.
Why is it that people lie? What is the motive to move people to act in a manner that would cause their very words not to be trusted?
In the story of the resurrection, we can see a few reasons why people lie.
Matthew 28:15 “So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day."
These men had seen the angel; the body was gone, and they KNEW Jesus arose from the dead supernaturally – but they lied about it FOR MONEY.
I believe they also lied for fear of their jobs. Such was the case of the lying prophets in the days of Ahab. These “rent-a-reverends” were secure in their positions, and would say anything if it allowed them to keep their jobs. Jeremiah and many others were abused in all manner of ways because they were willing to tell the truth to the king and NOT lie.
The same is probably true of Ananias and Sapphira.
Acts 5:3 “But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?”
They lied for money! What a pitiful reason to literally ruin your good name, for a lousy dollar (although it is not uncommon)!
In the story of Naboth, men lied about Naboth and brought about his death.
1 Kings 21:9 “And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people:”
vs. 10 “And set two men, sons of Belial, before him, to bear witness against him, saying, Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. And then carry him out, and stone him, that he may die.”
These men lied out of fear of the authority; their lives and families were at great risk. Peter lied about knowing Jesus, and it was probably for fear of his life.
For people to lie for money or out of fear is not uncommon.
Perhaps the worst reason people lie is to hurt others. Such was the case of Satan in the garden. He lied to Eve, for no other reason than to hurt Adam, Eve, and God. Most likely, the kind of lying we see in Washington (when people lie to keep someone from office or to influence an election) is satanic. Lying to keep someone off the Supreme Court has been common in recent years; the motive for the lie may be personal gain, but it is still rooted in hurting another. Most of us have lied out of fear, but it is still not right and it still does harm. To lie with the intent to harm is, without excuse, a satanic evil.
As for me, I can have patience with someone who lies for fear of loss or suffering. I can be kind and even friendly towards them, but I will be slow in EVER trusting their word again. We are selfish; and many people will lie in order to save lives or jobs. Lying with the intent to harm, is a kind of satanic behavior that places people in a vastly different category.
The deceit we see in Congress or in various courtrooms is the kind of lying that is intended to harm; I cannot tolerate being in the same room with such people. They cannot be trusted in anything. With motives so selfish and guided by satanic evil, they ought to be classed among the lowest forms of humanity.
God classes a false witness among the top offenses listed in the Ten Commandments:
Exodus 20:16 "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”
Satanic Victory
2 Timothy 4:10 “For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia."
Good Morning,
2 Timothy 4:10 “For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia."
Here we read of three co-workers of Paul who left. The detailed reasons are not mentioned, but they abandoned the greatest of New Testament preachers or missionaries.
When a man or woman teaches a Sunday school class, they spend time every week studying the Scriptures to teach others the eternal truth.
Every week someone walks the church property during services to help bring a measure of security to the people of God as they gather to hear the preaching.
Every week, trained hands work on the bus that will bring many precious people to church to hear the Word of God.
What would Satan do? To what extreme would he go? What limits would Satanic forces cross in order to get those people to stop influencing souls for eternity?
The lady does not feel very special or extremely gifted, but she is she takes the opportunity to watch the babies at church on a Sunday or Wednesday night. Her sacrifice makes it possible for others to teach the Bible or to sit in class and hear the Bible.
Workers take time off of work to go to camp to help provide hundreds of young people the opportunity of exclusive days to be influenced for eternity. In years past, the lives they touched have gone on to pastor churches, teach in Christian schools, travel to the mission field, and become faithful members of great churches. What an eternal influence these people, who took time off work or even took their annual vacation in order to be at this camp each year, will have on the young people.
One man was in his place as an usher, and he helped people find a seat, guided people to nursery or classes, and helped to make visitors feel comfortable. He gathered the offerings from the people of God that sustain the work of God around the world.
What could possibly please Satan any more than pulling that usher, nursery worker, or youth worker out of their active service that touches eternity? What a victory it would be for Satan to move them into the seat of a casual church attender in some non-descript church affecting nothing for the eternal glory of God.
Judas’ life was a tragic heartbreak for the disciples; how could it not have been? Did you notice that the days following the betrayal and the resurrection, the disciples were right back where they belonged – they turned the world upside down because they did not quit.
These are just a few of the most amazing Satanic victories. Satan's victory is not just the person who died in a drunk driving accident, or the child who became addicted to drugs or soiling their morals. That incident was only a skirmish in the spiritual warfare. The great victory is the soldier who retreats from battle, waves the white flag, or goes AWOL. These soldiers who surrender in the fight, left the field of battle and ceased to impact the eternal work of God – that is the great satanic victory.
Today, I would like to share a short lesson I read from Bro. Allen Domelle, pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church in Bethany, Oklahoma. I thought it would be a help to you.
Good Morning,
I fear for people who choose their children or family over God. In the book of Matthew, Jesus said, the parents would be set against the children and the children against the parents. Be careful who directs your choices.
Matthew 10:35 ”For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”
vs 36 "And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."
You cannot expect to put God first and never cross those you love. There will be a relative, perhaps a close relative, who simply does not see life through your eyes. In the text, Jesus made it clear, that He came to put a variance between family members. We do not desire that, but if pushed, we will choose that division rather than choose wrong.
Do not feel that you are a terrible failure when a family member, even a child or parent, differs dramatically from you on spiritual matters. Again, Christ came to put a man at variance against his family members. I know some of the finest Christians who have relatives who tolerate one another at best, and, sometimes, they do not even tolerate them. Peace and warmth at home are desirable, but not a mandate.
When we start placing a warm and fuzzy relationship with everyone around us above our relationship with Jesus Christ and our obedience to His Book, we are in big trouble. God did not call us to cuddle up to every single person and embrace every corrupt philosophy of life. He said, “Follow me!” Jesus said to deny yourself! He certainly did not want us to forsake the principles of the Scripture to pacify or support some friend or relative.
I have watched parents abandon the church they believed was right to be close to their children or grandchildren. Unbelievable! I see no Scripture that directs us to choose our church based on a relationship with our children or grandchildren. I have heard parents say, “We have to support our kids.” I disagree completely. I do not have to support my children unless my children are following the path of righteousness. I am not about to allow a child (especially one whom I taught to tie their shoes) to convince me to abandon what I believe to be right to follow that which he thinks is right.
I like how Joshua said, “…but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”(Joshua 24:15) He was not looking around at his children, wife, parents, or friends to determine his path. There is no doubt that Joshua was willing to have variance in relationships over the things of God.
Do you remember the story of Abraham? His herdsman, the herdsman of Lot, and his nephew all had conflicts among themselves. It must have been severe enough that it would not be fixed. Therefore, Abraham simply told Lot to go one way, and that he would go the other way; he refused to allow that strife in his household. Abraham had no problem with Lot leaving, even to the tragic world of Sodom and Gomorrah; but he was not going to have wrongdoing under his roof.
Right is not easy, and often uncomfortable, but nonetheless, it is right.
The Secret to Avoiding Compromise
Today, I would like to share a short lesson I read from Bro. Allen Domelle, pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church in Bethany, Oklahoma. I thought it would be a help to you.
Good Morning,
Today, I would like to share a short lesson I read from Bro. Allen Domelle, pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church in Bethany, Oklahoma. I thought it would be a help to you.
The Secret to Avoiding Compromise
2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Being unequally yoked is still a sin in our day. Many have forsaken God’s command of separation only to compromise what they once were for the “better good.” One of the greatest achievements any believer will accomplish is not to change for the worse. Everyone changes; we either change for the good or the worse. Nobody is the same today as they were five years ago. The question is, what direction is our change taking us? God gives five areas we must watch to avoid the directional change for the worse.
First, we must guard our friendships. God asks, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? The word fellowship is talking about friendship. God uses righteousness and unrighteousness as an illustration because these cannot be friends and stay the same. The friends you choose will determine whether you head toward righteous living or unrighteous living. You cannot have the wrong friends and be what God commands you to be.
Second, we must guard our fellowship. God continues to ask, and what communion hath light with darkness? Light and darkness have no fellowship because when light appears, darkness flees. The believer must be careful about fellowshipping with people who do not believe like them. You cannot fellowship with those who do wrong without getting their stink on your life. Nobody is strong enough to handle the wrong fellowship. If you are willing to fellowship with a crowd, especially during a church service, you will be willing to change for that crowd. As my preacher taught me years ago, the wrong crowd is too nice for me not to like, so don't fellowship with them, and you won't become them.
Third, we must guard our relationships. God asks again, And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Christ and Belial have no personal relationship, and neither should the believer join in relationships with people who do not believe like them. Don't go into business with people who do not believe like you, and don't date or marry someone who does not believe like you. The weaker person always drags down the strong person in relationships; therefore, if you don't want to change, don't have a personal relationship with someone who does not believe right.
Fourth, we must guard on contributions to a cause. God continues to ask, what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Any part you give to the wrong crowd, even if it is good, always leads to compromise. The uncompromising believer has no similarities or goals of the world. They may seem the same, but what seems the same takes us the wrong way. Be careful about being in the same speaking conference with those who have compromised or don't believe like you. Your part in a conference says you are willing to turn a blind eye to their compromise or wrong doctrine.
Fifth, we must guard against laying aside doctrinal differences just to get along. God asks again, And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? The greater good is not a good reason to compromise what God commands us to do. If you are willing to compromise for the greater good, you will always have a reason to compromise. The change to compromise never stops once you start that movement toward the wrong positions.
Reading Psalm 19 allows us a chance to consider the things our Bible will do for us.
Good Morning,
Reading Psalm 19 allows us a chance to consider the things our Bible will do for us.
Psalm 19:7 “The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.”
vs. 8 "The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.”
vs. 7 - converting the soul; making wise the simple.
vs. 8 - rejoicing the heart; enlightening the eyes.
These four things are amazing promises, all are a result of reading and meditating upon the Bible. Conversion, wisdom, rejoicing, and enlightening our eyes: it would seem that something with that result would attract the attention of everyone. If this were a new diet or something to cure arthritis, people would spend money to get the product, yet our Bibles sit unread and neglected.
Perhaps, today would be a good time to set up a routine and start making the Bible a serious part of our day again. Some people begin reading with the Proverb of the day (according to the date, 31 chapters are found in the book). Some people read the Psalm for the day then add 30, reading Psalms 1 on the first, then the same day reading 31, 61, 91, 121 etc. On the second of the month reading 2, 32, 62, 92 etc. Both methods get you though that book of the Bible in the month.
Some folks read from Genesis to Revelation: a set number of chapters each day. Others read a chapter from the OT and a chapter from the NT each day. The main goal is to have a plan and to stick with it.
Again, consider the results that are gained from the Bible; it is well worth the investment. In addition, reading the Bible makes God happy, and having God pleased with you is not a bad start to planning life.
Isaiah 34:16 “Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read…”
Smite The Scorner
Zechariah “…they were troubled, because there was no shepherd…”
Good Morning,
Zechariah “…they were troubled, because there was no shepherd…”
One great principle of victorious Christian living is unity under good leadership. If Satan can divide the follower from the leader, he has won an incredible victory.
Notice the phrase repeated:
1 Kings 22:17 “And he said, I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd: and the LORD said, These have no master: let them return every man to his house in peace.”
Zechariah 13:7 “…smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered…”
Matthew 9:36 “But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.”
Satan will do all in his power to divide the leader from the follower: the military leader from the enlisted man, the parent from the child, the pastor from the people, and even the political leader from the citizen. The wicked one gives us inept, corrupt leaders in Washington to divide us to fend for ourselves. I am not saying that we follow the godless, vile, political people in DC, but the principle stands; a house divided cannot stand (Mark 3:25).
When the French Revolution took place, the common folks were frustrated and weary, so they began killing all of the aristocracy – the result was not any better. Satan sows discord; he does not provide a solution. Young people run away from home to aimless, perverted living. The AWOL soldier becomes useless to the cause of his nation.
In the church, Satan will try to divide the pastor (and church philosophy) from the members. Now, he will not give the member anything better, Satan simply wants them on their own. Sheep never do well on their own, that is why there are always shepherds and sheep dogs. With no shepherd or productive spiritual life, sheep will flounder spiritually. Satan strives to pull folks away from the shepherd, and without a shepherd, the sheep become scattered and vulnerable to every kind of foolish thinking and a useless, spiritual life.
Mark 14:27 “…I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered…”
Satan loves to “smite the shepherd,” and God will do the same when He brings judgment on a people.
As long as the sheep are scattered, Satan is happy. He does not care if people end up drifting from one church to another or completely stop attending church; as long as they are away from the shepherd, Satan is happy.
I have been active in three good churches in the last five decades, and I cannot begin to count the number of productive church members who got out of church and then did nothing spiritually. The reasons they stopped attending church may have been significant or not, or it may have simply been a misunderstanding, but once divided from the church, they retreated to a life of spiritual mediocrity. At one time, they taught a Sunday school class, sang in the choir, or worked in the nursery, and went soul winning. Today, their issue matters little or not at all, but their spiritual life is without fruit, and the glory of God suffers. Their financial donations are no longer going to support souls being saved. Their love and encouragement no longer helps new Christians grow. Their influence on grandchildren becomes completely secular, and the next generation suffers spiritually. Sadly, in some cases, their grandchildren may spend eternity in hell for the lack of spiritual influence from their parents and grandparents.
Satan does not move people from one solid, Bible-preaching church to another, he moves folks from a ministry in which the Christian made an eternal difference to a life of doing nothing!
I will not allow anyone to separate me from my spiritual leaders, athough most of them are now in Heaven. I will stay by the principles I was taught, and remain loyal to the men and women who helped my family become useful to God.
To those who seek to divide remember these verses:
Proverbs 6:16”These six things doth the LORD hate…”
vs. 19” …he that soweth discord among brethren.”
My parents were human and frail, but I will continue loving them and honoring them. My wife and I have weaknesses, but we will stay unified and, by His grace, useful to the work of God. Both of my pastors were imperfect and they pastored churches filled with people who were sinners, but their duty as “shepherds” has kept my family useful for the things that matter eternally.
Do not try to smite my shepherds, for I will stand by their side: whether it be it George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, or my parents or pastors. Sheep are always better off with a shepherd.
Do not buy into this foolishness of smiting the shepherd and causing the sheep to scatter; it will render you useless in matters that are eternal, and this foolish philosophy is from Hell.
Nothing New
Jude 3 “…that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”
Good Morning,
Jude 3 “…that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”
Where are we to get “the faith” for which Jude urged us to contend? Where are we to find the truths and principles of Christian living, preaching, and church etiquette? From the text, it is obvious that this “faith” was in the hands of those who went before us. Jude writes of what was “once delivered unto the saints.” It is nothing new, nothing innovative – but the old ways.
2 Chronicles 15:12 “And they entered into a covenant to seek the LORD God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul;”
In times of revival, Israel got their renewed faith from looking back to the “God of their fathers.” Not from the internet, but from looking back to the faith of their fathers and the renewal of a covenant to seek the God of their fathers.
Exodus 3:13 “And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you…”
Trouble came in ancient Israel because they looked for something new; the old ways never caused them any trouble.
1 Chronicles 7:22 “And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers…"
When Israel got right, they did so by going to the God of their fathers. When Israel indulged in “religion,” it was because they forsook the God of their fathers.
You can mark this down – safety and spiritual security is found in the God of our fathers. In early America, we had some standards of morality and decency, not perfect, but far greater than we see today. If we want to gain the renewed faith and successful nation we once enjoyed, it will be found in seeking the “Faith of our Fathers” as the song says.
Youth tends to abandon traditional ideas and seek new things, but each year, they age and learn more about life; almost universally, those same young people turn a little more back to their conservative past. If you wait a decade or so, the liberal youth will often become conservative.
Spiritually, changing may not be as easy as politically; for our flesh is strong, and it takes courage to stand against the crowd. Most certainly, some old-fashioned grit is required to stick with the “faith of our fathers.”
If we wish to see the old-time blessing of God on our churches, families, and nation, it will be found by looking back to the godly examples of those who went before us and embraced the old-time Gospel.
Paul writes, “…be strong in the Lord…” (Ephesians 6:10) and “…quit you like men, be strong” (1 Corinthians 16:13). Isaiah writes about renewing your strength, while David wrote of God being his strength and shield. Hebrews 12:3 says not to “…faint in your minds.”
Good Morning,
Paul writes, “…be strong in the Lord…” (Ephesians 6:10) and “…quit you like men, be strong” (1 Corinthians 16:13). Isaiah writes about renewing your strength, while David wrote of God being his strength and shield. Hebrews 12:3 says not to “…faint in your minds.”
Why all of this admonition about strength and courage? Because the devil wants to defeat us, often with mental fatigue. Some fall due to booze, morals, drugs or crime, but most Christians step down from service because they are weary. Paul writes to, “not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)
Mental pressure is nothing new, and it has been the tool of the wicked one forever.
Ezra 4:4 "Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in building,”
vs. 5 “And hired counsellors against them, to frustrate their purpose, all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of Persia.”
Ezra 4:6 “And in the reign of Ahasuerus, in the beginning of his reign, wrote they unto him an accusation against the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem.”
Notice the things that occurred:
• Hands weakened
• Frustrated them
• Troubled them from building
• Hired counselors to frustrate them
• Kept pushing until the next king was crowned (this went on and on)
• They began writing letters of accusation
The outside pressure that weakens you could come from:
• your peers
• Or your parents or children
• Or your partner
Discouragement may come from enemies as well.
Satan does not need anything new, for the same methods discourage the believer today. Satan seeks to discourage and wear down the believer to stop them from doing the work of God. The job of Christians is to keep doing the work, discouraged or not. As David, when his own men talked of stoning him, “encouraged himself in the Lord.”
Courage, my Christian friend, is not needed in the amusement park but in the battle field. No crowns were ever won riding a merry-go-round. No one changes the world or saves a soul by staying safe and comfortable.
Stand Gently
When we read the Bible, we should read much. When we make a decision based on the Bible, we should base it on more than one verse. God can communicate in a single passage or just a word, but it is wise to read much. From comparing one verse to another, we also learn much. Likewise, we find much in the context or the verses around the verse.
Good Morning,
When we read the Bible, we should read much. When we make a decision based on the Bible, we should base it on more than one verse. God can communicate in a single passage or just a word, but it is wise to read much. From comparing one verse to another, we also learn much. Likewise, we find much in the context or the verses around the verse.
Notice how Paul wrote to his friends the Thessalonians.
1 Thessalonians 2:2 “... shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention.”
vs. 4 “... so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God…"
vs. 5 “For neither at any time used we flattering words…"
vs. 6 “...nor of men sought we glory …"
These verses might imply a strong, harsh stand, perhaps having to argue, debate, or deal with great conflict. These are good truths for the Christian to cling to, to urge us to stand firm in our conviction and not to bend. These verses could encourage us to be less than “nice," but then we read verse seven and realize there are both sides of a strong stand for your faith.
1 Thessalonians 2:7 “But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children:"
The Christian should stand firm; he should stand deliberately. The Christians should stand without wavering from truth and right. A Christian should be willing to face conflict, as well as be in the midst of contention. These things are not easy, and they clash with our traditional philosophy of being "nice."
In verse seven, we read that Paul said he was gentle as a nurse who cherishes children. The Christian life is not easy. The Christian life is not casually lived or recklessly practiced. Knowing humanity, we usually gravitate to the right or the left. Like driving down the street, we rarely drive in the center of the lane; we constantly need to adjust our position.
Two quick thoughts regarding this subject: First we should be patient with those around us, especially Christian leaders. We cannot afford to have those in positions of leadership bowing and bending to every push and shove that comes from the world, the flesh, or the devil. On occasion, we will be offensive and lack gentleness.
The very kind and warm Christian leader might also be the one who is too soft and compromises on right; standing in the dead center is difficult.
Secondly, it is wise not to be too hard on yourself. Each one of us will drift to the right and left. We will be too nice one day, yet avoid the risk compromise and be too harsh another day; we may seem unkind and without feeling.
We are sinful men seeking to live the Christlike life about which Paul wrote. He said a war was inside him. John also wrote, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves…” (1 John 1:8).
Referring back to the illustration of driving down the road, let us all decide that we must keep our hands on the wheel and constantly adjust to the right or left, while we seek to stand firmly in the center, while standing gently, knowing that those two positions are not easy to balance.
Feeling vs The Bible
Ephesians 4:22 “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;”
Good Morning,
Ephesians 4:22 “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;”
Colossians 3:8 “But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.”
The basis of morality is the missing ingredient of today’s society. Society has always had people who were more violent than others, or people who are prone to steal rather than work and pay their own way. Some people may even claim that they are alcoholics or drug addicts because it is in their physiological make up. No matter where the blame is placed, we all know it is destructive and wrong; and we also know it needs to be controlled.
While growing through the events of childhood, teen phases, and college years, my nature was never one to have a quick or violent temper. Other people had a more explosive temper and struggled with anger.
The fact that someone struggles with an explosive temper does not make it right. It means they have to work harder at not letting that ruin their life. We all know people who are prone to selfishness. However, they got that way is irrelevant. The fact is, we all know it is wrong; they are will need to fight that tendency to selfishness, or it will ruin their marriage, their career, and an endless number of other relationships.
Because someone feels a certain way does not justify them behaving that way. Covetousness is common, but to allow covetousness to move us to theft or bitterness toward others is wrong. Greed is another tragic flaw in the character of many people. If someone has a deep-seeded greediness in their heart, it does not justify their corrupt behavior. Right is still right, and wrong needs to be put aside and resisted.
We all know that some of us who are more organized than others, while some are completely comfortable with everything in disarray and their possessions being in chaos. The fact that you have a natural tendency of being a slob does not make it right nor preferential. It does mean that some things are going to be harder for you as you resist the tendency to allow everything around you to be in chaos.
As the above Scripture states, we need to “put off” and fight against some characteristics in our natural make up.
Who cares about what we feel if it is against the clear teaching of the Bible. As I said earlier, the Bible is the basis for morality that our society is lacking. It seems that the world around us has no basis for right or wrong, therefore our flawed, foolish, and often corrupt desires end up ruling and often ruining our lives.
From the Ten Commandments to the Golden Rule, God named right and wrong. God said we ought to shun the wrong, put on what is right, and control our fleshly desires.
2 Timothy 2:16 “But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.”
1 Peter 2:11 “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;”
When our feelings or our natural tendencies go against the Word of God, we need to control them – this concept is not difficult to understand! Right is right and wrong is wrong – no matter how we feel.
Fit In
Many years ago, a state superintendent of schools said to a Baptist church regarding their Christian school, “We are preparing our children for the next generation, where your Christian school kids will not fit in.” The pastor replied, “We are preparing our children for the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ where your children will not fit in.” You can guess how that conversation ended.
Good Morning,
Many years ago, a state superintendent of schools said to a Baptist church regarding their Christian school, “We are preparing our children for the next generation, where your Christian school kids will not fit in.” The pastor replied, “We are preparing our children for the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ where your children will not fit in.” You can guess how that conversation ended.
Believers do not fit in when they walk with God and honor His Word. One illustration of this is in the book of Ezra. While the Jews began to rebuild Jerusalem, the critics wrote letters, hired counselors, and slandered them.
Ezra 4:12 “… the Jews which came up from thee to us are come unto Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the bad city…”
vs. 15 “…this city is a rebellious city, and hurtful unto kings and provinces…”
Daniel was seen refusing to eat the king’s food and when he prayed in spite of laws against prayer. Again, we see a “misfit” group of people when Daniel’s friends would not bow and worship the image the king had built. Do we think there were no other Jews around? There were thousands of Jews, but only some determined to stand.
Remember when Mordecai refused to bow to Haman? For once, countless Jews around Haman became thoroughly angered because he wrote letters to kill all the Jews in the kingdom. One Jew, Mordecai, would not bow to the vile leader.
An endless number of Christians have not chosen to stand against the world – they made their choice to “fit in;” but there have also been great heroes of the faith who said, “No!” to the world.
Esther 3:8 “And Haman said unto king Ahasuerus, There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of thy kingdom; and their laws are diverse from all people; neither keep they the king's laws: therefore it is not for the king's profit to suffer them.”
Notice the accusation of the evil Haman, “Their laws are diverse.” That is a true statement – the people of God have always been different. The lie that the Jews did not keep the king’s laws was untrue; they were (as God’s people have always been) law-abiding until the laws of man cross the laws of God. The faithful Christian will be the best of citizens, but the faithful Christian will also stand against the laws that violate the law of God.
Do not fret when you are different; Peter said we are “strangers and pilgrims.” Throughout time, some believers have said, “I follow Christ and His Word, not this vile world.” We do not need to try to fit in, neither did Jesus.
In the book of Philemon, one word that stands out in the Christian life is used four times – fellow. Used in a context of camaraderie, Paul tells of his faithful brethren.
Good Morning,
In the book of Philemon, one word that stands out in the Christian life is used four times – fellow. Used in a context of camaraderie, Paul tells of his faithful brethren.
vs. 1 …dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer,
vs. 2 …Archippus our fellowsoldier,
vs. 23 …my fellowprisoner in Christ Jesus
vs. 24 …Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my fellowlabourers
The word fellowlabourer in verse 1 and 24 describes the importance of hard work in the ministry. These people Paul wrote about were not just Sunday-morning Christians, they worked in the ministry. Men work long and hard for wealth and success in their career, so why not work hard for the eternal rewards and the glory of the Saviour?
Verse 2 speaks of a fellow soldier, making it clear that the ministry is a war. Ephesians speaks of the armor of the Lord. Paul writes to Timothy about waring a good warfare and fighting the good fight. The warfare Paul alluded to many times in his writings reminds us that we will be assaulted and beaten physically or emotionally. When the attack of the wicked one comes, we should remind ourselves that Peter warned about the adversary who walks seeking whom he might devour. When evil enters our world, we need to understand that we are not the first or the last person to face the angry barbs of words or laws.
Verse 23 speaks of being a prisoner. We may use that term in our culture in a figurative or emotional sense, but I doubt that is what Paul was referring to. Paul spent too much time in jail not to be speaking literally. There are times when the faithful Christian will suffer under the godless rulers. Endless writings over the centuries have told the stories of millions of believers who suffered torture, prison, and horrible death for the faith. One pastor from China said that to pastor in their country will gain each man an average of eleven years of prison throughout his ministry.
These special associates of Paul were recorded in a letter to Philemon in admonition to all the ages; Christ is worthy of our labor and being disciplined and devoted to Him. These men, found in one of the shortest books in the Word of God, tell us that prison life due to honorable living is well worth the cost.
We follow a crucified Saviour, not yet a crowned and glorious King. The throne and royal reign will come. For today, we serve, labor, and suffer for He Who is more than worthy.
Paul writes, “be strong in the Lord” and “quit ye like men, be strong.” Isaiah wrote about renewing your strength, while David wrote of God being his strength and shield. Hebrews 12 says not to “faint in your minds.”
Good Morning,
Paul writes, “be strong in the Lord” and “quit ye like men, be strong.” Isaiah wrote about renewing your strength, while David wrote of God being his strength and shield. Hebrews 12 says not to “faint in your minds.”
Why all of this about strength and courage? Because the devil wants to defeat us, often with mental fatigue. Some fall due to booze, morals, drugs or crime, but most Christians step down from service because they are weary. Paul writes, “be not weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.”
The mental pressure is not new and has been the tool of the wicked one forever.
Ezra 4:4 “Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in building,”
vs. 5 “And hired counsellors against them, to frustrate their purpose, all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of Persia.”
vs. 6 “And in the reign of Ahasuerus, in the beginning of his reign, wrote they unto him an accusation against the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem.”
Notice the things that occurred:
• Hands weakened
• Frustrated them
• Troubled them from building
• Hired counselors to frustrate them
• Kept pushing until the next king was crowned (it went on and on)
• Began writing letters of accusation
Satan needs nothing new, for the same methods discourage the believer today. Satan seeks to discourage and wear down the believer to stop them from doing the work of God. The job of Christians is to keep doing the work, discouraged or not. When David’s own men talked of stoning him, he “encouraged himself in the Lord.”
Courage, my Christian friend, is not needed in the amusement park but the battle field. No crowns were ever won riding a merry-go-round.
After This The Judgement
We live in a godless, corrupt world because so few have any fear of God. We have stopped teaching children that there is a God in Heaven before Whom they will stand.
Good Morning,
We live in a godless, corrupt world because so few have any fear of God. We have stopped teaching children that there is a God in Heaven before Whom they will stand.
Romans 2:15 “Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)”
vs. 16 “In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.”
God will judge the “secrets” of men – the things that are done in the dark in places where lights are turned low – all of it will be judged!
Luke 12:2 “For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.”
vs. 3 “Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.”
I sure am glad that our sins are under the blood! I am thankful our sins were all judged at Calvary! But – there is still a judgment of believers; their works will be judged and revealed before all.
Matthew 12:36 “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.”
Every idle word? That is what the Bible says!
Psalms 139:2 “Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.”
vs. 3 “Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.”
vs. 4 “For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.”
Where we sit and stand, and that which we think on are all known. God knows all our ways and every word from our tongue. God is perfect in holiness, and that thought ought to bring fear into our hearts.
Ezekiel 11:5 “Thus saith the LORD; Thus have ye said, O house of Israel: for I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them.”
(1Chronicles 28:9)
These verses simply touch the surface of the volumes of Scripture that ought to make us fear the judgment. We will face God! We will stand before Christ at the Judgment Seat, and the lost will stand at the Great White Throne. Every one of our children, grandchildren, friends, and neighbors will stand in judgment!
If there is no judgment, why not live for money, pleasure, and self? If there is no judgment, who cares what anyone else thinks. Who cares about honesty, decency, or honorable living UNLESS THERE IS A JUDGMENT! Only then there is a reason to be good.
Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”
May we live as if we believe that day is coming. May we teach these truths so others will live with an air of concern and fear.
Division In Society
We all have our personal picture of the Lord, whether that picture be of a kind, loving God or one of wrath and judgment. The very best thing to do is read enough Bible that our thoughts are His thoughts.
Good Morning,
We all have our personal picture of the Lord, whether that picture be of a kind, loving God or one of wrath and judgment. The very best thing to do is read enough Bible that our thoughts are His thoughts.
Zechariah writes of the trouble Israel was having socially: there was division, fussing among the people, and employment trouble. One may wonder what caused the division.
Zechariah 8:10 “For before these days there was no hire for man, nor any hire for beast; neither was there any peace to him that went out or came in because of the affliction: for I set all men every one against his neighbour.”
The trouble in their society came from the Lord. Counselors and politicians are always trying to find the root of problems, but they usually fail to go to the most logical source – God. When we anger the Lord, He is likely to bring about judgment. In verse ten, we see that there were no jobs and men were not safe. Civil unrest and economic trouble was allowed by or caused by God!
The Lord continues speaking of a better day when He will restore a civil society:
vs. 12 “For the seed shall be prosperous; the vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these things.”
Any casual observer can see our national woes are many, from immigration to the economy, yet few are pointing out the root cause – God!
The Lord uses trouble to rebuke us, as well as to humble us. Trials of weather, economy, and strife are often referenced in the Scripture as tools in the hands of God.
God brings hardship. Psalm 39:3
God sends evil. Micah 1:12; Habakkuk 1:6
God deceives man. Ezekiel 14:9
In my notes, I have written about thirty similar passages. The truth of God’s working in our society through trouble is indisputable.
The important point is that we seek Him and His mercy. It is imperative that we seek the Lord, and when trouble comes, we continue to draw near to Him. Some might wonder if the trouble is from the devil, from God, or from natural causes. I cannot say absolutely where the root lies, but I can say absolutely that our behavior ought to be the same – SEEK THE LORD.
I know some who would say that God cannot do evil or mean things (using our vernacular). I will not argue the point whether God uses evil or causes evil, but there is no doubt God is intimately involved in our lives.
Isaiah writes on the matter:
Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
We know that our national troubles are rooted in the godless living of society. The closer we walk to the Lord, the more divine blessings we will enjoy. The solution is the same as always: we must get our families into church, Sunday school, and service of the Lord. We need to consider where our tithes and time are going – to a soul-winning church or a social group?
The hope of restoring peace and blessings on our nation comes from getting more people saved and loving God.
Be Careful Little Eyes (Part 2)
(If you did not read Be Careful Little Eyes - Part. 1, you may want to read it to help set the stage for these thoughts.)
Most of humanity allows public opinion to set their morals. Those who live in a primitive culture think nothing of going around the village topless, nursing a baby in public, or wearing a loin cloth. They have seen this all their lives and count it as acceptable. (A good reason to avoid beaches in our nation.)
Good Morning,
(If you did not read Be Careful Little Eyes - Part. 1, you may want to read it to help set the stage for these thoughts.)
Most of humanity allows public opinion to set their morals. Those who live in a primitive culture think nothing of going around the village topless, nursing a baby in public, or wearing a loin cloth. They have seen this all their lives and count it as acceptable. (A good reason to avoid beaches in our nation.)
Why would cartoons have characters with exaggerated anatomy, short skirts, skin-tight pants, or low-cut tops? Do we think little children care about these things? No! Pre-meditated conditioning is being carried out. Society is training our children to accept indiscretion as proper, sexually-explicit clothing as reasonable, and inappropriate behavior as logical.
If you read these emails often, you know that I regularly address issues like this. I want people to think and to think and to think until they grasp the truth. Advertising matters. Many people will need to read this kind of thing over and over before it begins to sink in. Others may read it once and stop reading because they have no intention of allowing these ideas to sink in.
Our world of entertainment trains us to live Godless lives. We have parked Americans in front of televisions nightly for decades, and the producers have changed society. When a nation of people who, for the most part, have attended church on Sundays, turns into a society of Sunday softball and soccer players, the mindset of the nation has been changed.
When God directed fathers to talk about the Bible all of the time, He had a plan. The devil took that same plan and went to work on the opposite side of that plan to prevent fathers from reading the Bible daily with their families.
Deuteronomy 6:6 “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:”
vs. 7 “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
When we raise a generation that has seen dad and mom read the Bible daily and talk about it all of the time, we will “train up a child in the way he should go.” The changes that move a society to children never seeing dad with a Bible in his hands and never hearing their parents talk about the Word of God, are changes for the worse.
Do our children see dad cheering more during preaching or cheering more at a basketball game? Do the children see dad writing out tithe checks, preparing a Sunday school lessons, and dressing up for church; or is dad working on off-road toys and watching ball games while drinking beer with the neighbors? What our children see is what society becomes.
Most of the world accepts corrupt political leaders; they have seen it all of their lives and expect nothing different. In fact, some may even be happy to see their child excel in that field to glean a portion of the fame and wealth; but when a family prays for their nation, begs God for forgiveness and mercy, and seeks to live a holy life knowing that God might bring mercy and revival to their land, also moves society.
Lamentations 3:51 “Mine eye affecteth mine heart …”
Think and pay attention to what are our children are seeing? When they are with relatives, at school, at home, or at church, consider what ideals are being pressed into the heart and soul of our next generation?