Be Careful Little Eyes (Part 2)
Good Morning,
(If you did not read Be Careful Little Eyes - Part. 1, you may want to read it to help set the stage for these thoughts.)
Most of humanity allows public opinion to set their morals. Those who live in a primitive culture think nothing of going around the village topless, nursing a baby in public, or wearing a loin cloth. They have seen this all their lives and count it as acceptable. (A good reason to avoid beaches in our nation.)
Why would cartoons have characters with exaggerated anatomy, short skirts, skin-tight pants, or low-cut tops? Do we think little children care about these things? No! Pre-meditated conditioning is being carried out. Society is training our children to accept indiscretion as proper, sexually-explicit clothing as reasonable, and inappropriate behavior as logical.
If you read these emails often, you know that I regularly address issues like this. I want people to think and to think and to think until they grasp the truth. Advertising matters. Many people will need to read this kind of thing over and over before it begins to sink in. Others may read it once and stop reading because they have no intention of allowing these ideas to sink in.
Our world of entertainment trains us to live Godless lives. We have parked Americans in front of televisions nightly for decades, and the producers have changed society. When a nation of people who, for the most part, have attended church on Sundays, turns into a society of Sunday softball and soccer players, the mindset of the nation has been changed.
When God directed fathers to talk about the Bible all of the time, He had a plan. The devil took that same plan and went to work on the opposite side of that plan to prevent fathers from reading the Bible daily with their families.
Deuteronomy 6:6 “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:”
vs. 7 “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
When we raise a generation that has seen dad and mom read the Bible daily and talk about it all of the time, we will “train up a child in the way he should go.” The changes that move a society to children never seeing dad with a Bible in his hands and never hearing their parents talk about the Word of God, are changes for the worse.
Do our children see dad cheering more during preaching or cheering more at a basketball game? Do the children see dad writing out tithe checks, preparing a Sunday school lessons, and dressing up for church; or is dad working on off-road toys and watching ball games while drinking beer with the neighbors? What our children see is what society becomes.
Most of the world accepts corrupt political leaders; they have seen it all of their lives and expect nothing different. In fact, some may even be happy to see their child excel in that field to glean a portion of the fame and wealth; but when a family prays for their nation, begs God for forgiveness and mercy, and seeks to live a holy life knowing that God might bring mercy and revival to their land, also moves society.
Lamentations 3:51 “Mine eye affecteth mine heart …”
Think and pay attention to what are our children are seeing? When they are with relatives, at school, at home, or at church, consider what ideals are being pressed into the heart and soul of our next generation?