40 Years of Faith

In August of 1982, Pastor and Mrs. Goddard held the first service of Faith Baptist Church. Through the decades, God has seen fit to bless, to encourage, and to help thousands of people through the ministry of Faith Baptist. Surrounded by an amazing crowd of volunteer workers who have joined the ministry here, the Goddard’s and their great team of workers have influenced hundreds of young people to attend Bible college. Many of these young people have gone into the ministry internationally as well as locally. The active soul-winning ministry began weeks before the church's first service, and continues now with people taking the Gospel to the community almost every day of the week. The beautiful facilities God has given Faith Baptist was a work of His mercy and grace, but the greatest work God has done is knit the hearts of the finest people.
We believe the Bible to be God's Word, salvation to be the free gift purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ, and the mercy of God to be that which enables us to minister to others and share our love and worship to God.
The Great Commission has been our theme -- to go, to win people to Christ, to baptize converts, and to disciple and train them to walk with God.