Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

Why Peace?

John 20:21 “Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”

Good Morning,

John 20:21 “Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”

vs. 26 “And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.”

Jesus had been crucified, buried in a tomb, and rose from the dead, three days later.  Peace was the exhortation because we can trust Him. His life, His death, and His resurrection proves we can trust Him.  

Peace is vital because His past proved that we can trust Him with our present.  Consider this principle when you vote.  Look at what the candidate has done, and see if you think you can trust them with your future.  Devastating war in the Middle East, tragic natural disaster in the south, and bullies threatening the welfare of much of our nation are all issues our elected officials will face.  Who can you trust?   Look at the experience of the candidate, and determine if they can offer you peace.  

I can rest in the Lord because of His life, His death, and His resurrection. For nearly half a century, I have seen Him faithful to care for me, a simple insignificant man.  That gives me peace.  Christ gives me peace because of His promise to return, to take us all to Heaven, and to deliver us from “this present evil world.” (Galatians 1:4)  There is a reason for peace.

I can trust my wife; she has stood true for over four decades of marriage – I need no other.  I can trust my Bible because It has proven Itself for over two centuries –  I need no other.  I can trust my old-fashioned Baptist church, though it be filled with common sinners, for two thousand years, it has been the “pillar and ground of the truth.” (1 Timothy 3:15)  

Peace?  Not because of what I see, but peace because of what has been proven over the ages.  

John 14:27  “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil


Romans 13:9  “… Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

Good Morning,

Romans 13:9  “… Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

vs. 10 “Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.”

Most of us have seen movies depicting the early 1900’s when thugs forced people to give them money for “protection” and if they did not give the money, their store might be vandalized or worse.  We have also heard about Castro, who took over Cuba and basically forced people to work Sundays, killed pastors, took private homes and businesses, and committed an endless string of atrocities while forcing the people to do as he commanded.  He wanted the nation to be run his way or he would hurt them.  

Across time, bullies and thugs have demanded certain control or money, lest harm would come to those who did not comply with their demands; we call them terrorists, thugs,  gangsters, or sadly in some situations, union workers.  

When a store employee wants to get a raise and says he will not return to work unless he gets it, the store owner has a choice of doing what the employee asks or lose the employee, forcing him to hire a replacement. That is all reasonable and logical.  If his store, his person, or the new employee is threatened, the situation has acquired a gangster, a thug, or a terrorist.  When that employee states that he will get enough help to shut down all business, the supply of water, the supply of food, or even transportation unless his demands are met, the scenario has turned into one of terrorism.

Make no mistake about this – all of society will suffer greatly when this is allowed to continue.

The business belongs to the owner; he should set the prices and the pay.  The employee runs his own life; he chooses where to work and where to live.  If he does not like where he works, he finds a different job.  If the business owner forces the employee to work, controls where, when, and the pay involved, yet allows the employee no other choice or alternative, it becomes slavery.  The situation may go either way.

To threaten to leave a job is a right, to an extent.  When that employee harms society, his right is now in question.  When the police all walk off the job at once, their action becomes dangerous to society.   They were entrusted with life-saving responsibilities.  One man might retire, but for all to organize to leave together and endanger society is wrong.   You may differ in opinion, but read on – a Bible truth will be revealed .

The balance is dangerous and delicate.  Oh, how the world would improve with, “THE GOLDEN RULE,” with which we were raised. My family was not a church-attending family, but in school and society (in general), that golden rule was well-known and often mentioned.  We were urged to do unto others as we would have them do to us.  

When a group of workers go on strike, they choose not to go to work, which is their right.  They may picket, which is also their right; but what would happen if someone else walked in to work there?  They might have their tires slashed or worse – that is wrong – those workers have no right to harm others.

Sadly, the love of money is still the root of all evil, and the willingness to hurt anyone or force society to do what he wants makes him no better than Hezbollah. Terrorism in the cloak of union rights is still wrong.  An endless string of “but what about” questions and disdain for the level of evil the business owner may use to run his company is sometimes a part of the story, but the bottom line is this: who will you hurt?  Who will you cause to suffer?  What innocent people are you willing to rob of their daily needs or safety, just so you get more money? 

Again we see how the Bible will fix society.  To take from innocent, unrelated people to get what you feel you deserve is simply being a gangster.  It is done in courts and picket lines, and all of it will be judged by the Lord, Who suffered to help others.  

Matthew 19:19 “…Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil


Listening to political news is interesting, especially when people go to the street to interview the average person.  When asked, “Why” they want to vote for their favorite candidate, most people do not know.  The average American cannot articulate the ideologies, policies, and philosophies of their desired leader. 

Good Morning,

Listening to political news is interesting, especially when people go to the street to interview the average person.  When asked, “Why” they want to vote for their favorite candidate, most people do not know.  The average American cannot articulate the ideologies, policies, and philosophies of their desired leader.  They want a person of color, or they want a woman, or they want someone who will give them stuff.  To have a political ideology and an understanding of a Constitutional Republic is unheard-of.  To vote for a person who looks a certain way without knowing what they will do with war, the economy, immigration, or education is crazy! 

The reality is tragic,  but it is a result of a society not teaching people to think. We have developed a nation of people who decide what they do according to feelings.  Someone may say they feel like a woman, or they do not feel comfortable as a woman.  So what! You are what God made you to be.  Biology demands that you be a man or a woman, and that cannot change.  The divorce rate is horrific because people are as faithful to their wedding vows as the FEEL like being.  Their political view about the border is motivated by seeing poor, homeless travelers, not logic and reason.  No one can enjoy life long without logic and reason.

I encounter similar results when I talk to people about their faith.  Many church goers I meet out soul winning “think” they are going to Heaven, but cannot tell you why.  They choose a church because it makes them FEEL good. When they are asked about their belief or doctrine, those elements seem unimportant and nonessential for which church they choose to attend.  Each month, while our church people are soul winning, I would guess that several people who attend a “feel good” church end up getting saved when they are presented with the Gospel - people who, previously, had no understanding of what the Bible said about salvation until we knocked on their door.

Paul reminded Timothy that Timothy thoroughly knew what Paul believed and practiced.

2 Timothy 3:10 “But thou hast fully known my doctrine…”

While Paul wanted those who followed him to fully know and understand his doctrine and beliefs, he warned that the day would come when people would not endure sound doctrine.  

2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” 

Notice the phrase, “endure sound doctrine.” It is not always enjoyable; to know and to understand doctrine requires work. It takes work to know doctrine; it takes time, personal study, faithfulness to church, and focused attention on the preaching.  To know good doctrine, according to Paul, requires endurance.  A Bible believer will need to work at it and endure the things that accompany biblical understanding.  Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:15 to study to show oneself approved unto God, but then he writes more; he says that the work of study will keep the believer from being ashamed. 

2 Timothy 2:15  “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

In our vernacular, “Shame on you for not knowing the Book!”  When that person faces questions about their church, doctrine, and belief, they will be ashamed for not having any reason, Bible logic, or clear facts for their faith.  Daily study and faithfulness to a good Bible-teaching and Bible-preaching church allows you to gain knowledge and to rightly divide the Word.  To be “unashamed,” one needs a church that teaches doctrine and says one thing is right and another thing is wrong.  That kind of church is not as popular because we live in a feel-good society (we want to make our decisions based upon how we feel). 

Without knowledge and reason, facts and logic, we will loose our faith and our nation.  THINK!


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

Conservative Media?

Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge…”

Good Morning,

Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge…”

Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

The fear of the Lord is where we BEGIN to get wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.  It seems reasonable that we ought to seek those who fear God to guide us in wisdom and knowledge regarding most situations in life: including the home, politics, and an endless string of other issues.  I do my best to find godly doctors and other professionals, although it is not always possible.  

This principle is not isolated to spiritual matters.  While I was attending Bible college, our pastor preached against public schools and secular colleges.  Now, fifty years later, most conservatives are saying the same thing, only they are noticing a half century late.

When I started our church, I warned our members against the influence of media. Now, almost everyone (both liberals and conservatives) understands the danger of media and agree to the extent that liberals want to censor media to hide conservative values from the public.  Folks are correct as to the value and power of the media, but they noticed the impact a few decades late.  Anyone who has listened to a God-fearing friend has been decades ahead of the news teams, liberal or conservative.  

People would be farther ahead of the current society if they absorbed information or perspective views about national news from those who fear God rather than modern media.

The motive of those in the media industry is money – money and all that goes with it: followers, popularity, influence, and attention that might influence their future careers.  None of those motives are trustworthy and will only lead one to twist the news to his own benefit.  Godly folks have no agenda, except to defend the truth, protect society, and propagate the Gospel.   Those who fear God will give you a far more pure perspective on current events and information.  

When “MySpace” first came out I warned people (as did a long list of godly people) against allowing their children to access this platform.  Today, doctors and psychologists, from secular to Christian circles, are sounding out the warning about social media, too much screen time, and similar warnings.  Eventually the world catches up with the Bible and God-fearing people - whether a few decades or centuries later.  

We should limit the information we gain from the world and increase our political perspective from the godly people in our lives.  Philosophies of godly friends will probably be decades ahead of any information you may find on even conservatives news sites. (They are conservatives, at least to some extent, but their motive cannot be trusted.) To say that conservative media stars are “God-fearing” would probably be a stretch.  The more fear of God one has, the more wisdom, knowledge, and understanding will prevail.

You will be better off learning political issues from the God-fearing folks than from the newscast.  

Psalms 111:10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.”


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

Irritating Cars (and People)

Good Morning,

1 Thessalonians 4:11 “And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;”

When I pull my truck into the driveway and shut it off, a message pops up on the dashboard that reads, “Don't forget to look in the backseat.”

Let us be honest; I am smarter than the truck. Not only am I smarter, but I  do not want the truck telling me what to do. If it does not bother you to have a machine tell you what to do, you need to get your head examined.

Consider this; somebody designing these vehicles believes you are an idiot, and if somebody does not tell you to look in your backseat, you are likely to leave your cocker spaniel or your child or your chocolate ice cream back there. This very concept makes me angry. 

I was recently driving down the highway in a rental car, and a message popped up on the speedometer; “Consider taking a coffee break.”

If it were my wife saying that, she might get away with it, but it were anybody else, I would want to slap them! I do not need a car telling me take a coffee break; I do not even like coffee. I do not want a stupid vehicle telling me what to do. I do not like the designer of that car thinking that citizens are all idiots who need the government or the car manufacturer reminding us to take a coffee break.

I can give another example: I was sitting on an airplane while people were boarding. A man walked down the aisle with his wife, and he put a bag in the overhead compartment then pointed himself toward a seat when she interrupted him. She says, “Don't you think we could sit back here?” (She had already decided that his choice was inferior to her choice.)

1 Thessalonians 4:11 “And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business…”

Am I the only one who remembers hearing, “Mind your own business” as a child? 

Now, this problem is not a gender issue; the issues is a matter of respect and courtesy. If my wife is in front of me on an airplane, she can pick a place to sit. If she wants my “two cents” she could turn around and ask if I care where we sit. I could do the same thing or I could ask her if she wants a window seat or an aisle seat. I do not need her telling me where she thinks I need to sit, especially after I have already made my choice. 

You might say, “They are not being bossy, they are just talking.” What they are saying is, “I have a better idea than you do;” which is arrogant, inconsiderate, and stupid.

My wife and I decided that when we are on a plane, we would both like to have aisle seats so we choose seats across from each other. I want her to sit where she wants to sit. We can talk just as much and have access to the isles being across from each other. I do not need a machine or a person insulting me by saying that they know what I should do next.

Let me make this clear; unless you are a seeing eye dog and I am blind, you do not know what I should do next.

I will clarify more: if you have nail prints in your hands and spent three days in the grave, you can have a vote on my behavior; only that Person knows more than I do. Other than the seeing eye dog and the Saviour, you do not know what I am thinking, what I want, or what I need.

A couple was in the line at an old-fashioned cafeteria (where you put whatever you want on your tray and pay for each item). The man's hand reached for the little cartons of whole milk, and his wife said, “You know we don't drink whole milk,” and his hand magically moved toward the 2% milk. That woman thought she knew more than her husband. By her actions, she told to the world that he was an idiot, or at best, forgetful – neither of which were true. She may not have thought those very words, but that is surely what she communicated.

I might ask my wife where she would like to go to have lunch; but if I say ahead of time that I would like a burger at In-N-Out, then she may say, well I would rather have one at the Habit –we will go to In-N-Out and then to the Habit. How many of you think that really happens? In most cases, I think the guy surrenders and goes where the wife wants to go.  

Decent people are willing to consider the wishes of another; the person walking down the aisle of the plane to find a seat would ask their spouse, “Would you mind if we sat over here?” With regards a restaurant, someone might say, “Would it be okay if we ate at this restaurant?” If we are seeking to please our spouse, then the one who had already made their wishes known should be allowed to satisfy their desires. My wishes are not as important as my wife’s; I would seek to please her, but I would not seek to be corrected by her – there is a difference.

1 Corinthians 10:24 “Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth.”

1 Timothy 5:13 “…busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.”

When a two-year-old says he wants a cookie and the mom responds that the child does not need a cookie, the mom is the authority. She is smarter and the child has been told by the Word of God to honor and obey his parents. When dad or mom wants a cookie, it is no one’s business whether they get that cookie or not.

The Bible calls these people busy bodies. My grandma used to say “none ya,” as in, none of your business. 

Proverbs 20:5 “Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.” 

That means that even good advice should be like water in a well; it should be drawn out because it is desired.  The well should not spit the water out on those  who pass by.  

1 Peter 4:15 “But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.”

When two people are conversing, you might want to think twice about giving your opinion.  You were not invited into that conversation – and it does not matter whether you are the teenager or one of the parents. When you are talking to someone and I voice my opinion about what you should do, that advice is unsolicited - which is rarely heeded and almost always resented.

The phrase, “Mind your own business” is a good, old-fashioned saying that needs to be revived.


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil


Concerning our trials and our faith, the Bible gives us clear, though difficult, instruction. 

Good Morning,

Concerning our trials and our faith, the Bible gives us clear, though difficult, instruction. 

Ephesians 5:20 “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;”

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

We are to thank God “for” and “in” each situation. We can begin by admitting that we all fail often in this commandment.  

We do not need to like everything we face. Before His arrest and crucifixion, Jesus cried and sweated great drops of blood in the garden. He prayed, “Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me…”  

Why should we be thankful?  One simple reason is due to the very nature of God. God is always good, always faithful, and always right.  We can commit each situation to the loving hands of the faithful Father.  Does God know about hat situation I am facing?  Was God overpowered by the forces of evil and could He not have prevented the trial?  Of course, God knows; and no, evil did not overpower the Creator. Yes, God could easily have prevented this tragedy.  Like the trial of Job, God was intimately involved and controlled the limits of each situation, but He does not ask our opinion or share all His plans. 

“Giving thanks always for all things” (Ephesians 5:20) and “In every thing give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) has its root in the trustworthy nature of God, not in the circumstances or our feelings.  Giving thanks has nothing to do with the trial being small or great, but in the eternal power and presence of God.  Giving thanks is not related to my strength or ability to handle the situation, but rather in the perfect behavior of our Heavenly Father. 

God sees eternal things, we see only what is around us.  God sees the dominos, the effects that this situation will bring about; we see only the immediate.  

If we serve a statue with eight arms and a demonic face, then we can fret and fall apart, but if we serve the God of glory, the eternal, immortal, invisible King and only wise God, then we can trust Him.  

We might ask ourselves if the God we love and trust is faithful, good, true, kind, and all of the other words we use to describe our Lord. If so, then through tears or suffering, we can obey the two passages above:

“Giving thanks always for all things, “ and, “In every thing give thanks…” because God is worthy of our trust.  


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

Hurtful Words

I recently wrote a few lines about gossip and am compelled again to further address the matter of our response to sin or the behavior of another.

Good Morning,

I recently wrote a few lines about gossip and am compelled again to further address the matter of our response to sin or the behavior of another.  

Satan is called the “accuser of the brethren.” (Revelation 12:10) I certainly do not want to join his team by doing the same.  

I do not want to be responsible for anyone going to Hell.  As a teenager, I worked one summer for the California road department.  At only sixteen years of age, I could not run the big equipment, but I could hold a sign that said stop or slow. While working that job, I sat at lunch with the men. One man talked about the local pastor who borrowed his truck and returned it with almost no gas. As an unsaved sixteen-year-old, that statement became significant to me.

I am thankful for my parents; for when I heard that statement, rather than joining in the criticism of the pastor or hating Christians or churches, my first thought was, “I need to be sure to always return borrowed trucks full of gas.”  

If I had accepted this comment (or any others like it), I might have tossed out the idea of church for my future.  Sadly, I could have been sent to hell by the critical gossip and slander.  The story may have been true.  The actions of the pastor seemed to be wrong from the little information we were given, but one day, that man might have faced God with my blood on his hands!  

If a problem exists, fix it.  The scenario might have been an oversight.  Perhaps the pastor told someone else to fill it with gas, and it was not done.  Yet, here I am, fifty-two years later, thinking about that pastor who borrowed a truck and did not fill up the gas tank; and truly, I know none of the facts, just the comments from one gossiping critic.  

Thankfully, I did not seriously take the words to heart, and I still got saved a few years later.  By the way, that pastor was a great help to me early in my Christian life. 

When we criticize another, we set ourselves up as judges.

James 4:11 “Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.”

vs. 12 “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?”

When we criticize or judge another we are forgetting that we will all face Christ at the Judgment Seat.

Romans 14:4 “Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth.” 

vs. 10 “But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.”

The text concludes with a dreadful warning:

Romans 14:12 “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.”

There is no way of knowing how many people heard slander or criticism, and Satan used those comments to keep people from church or from getting saved.  Potentially, a crybaby complaining about gas in his truck is now facing God for a family who went to Hell because of his whining and gossip.  

Satan loves slander, gossip, half-truth accusations, and hurtful words.   


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

Causing Division

Most of us understand that some things people do are “bad.”  We usually list them in groups like murder, theft, adultery, and more.  Our list of “bad” deeds may vary between people, but one thing on God’s “bad” list is the act of causing division – which is often missed.

Good Morning,

Most of us understand that some things people do are “bad.”  We usually list them in groups like murder, theft, adultery, and more.  Our list of “bad” deeds may vary between people, but one thing on God’s “bad” list is the act of causing division – which is often missed.

Of a wicked person, God says, “Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord.” (Proverbs 6:14) 

According to God, causing discord is wicked.  A few verses later, God makes a stronger stand against causing divisions in a list of things God HATES. (Yes, the Lord mentions many things He hates; any diligent Bible reader is familiar with them.) God is usually more generic in His description of wrongs or says it is an act or a pattern of things God hates, but in Proverbs six, God says there is a person He hates.  

Proverbs 6:16 “These six things doth the LORD hate…” 

vs. 19 “A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” 

Notice the word HE that God hates, not the discord.  

Proverbs 6:14 says a wicked man sows discord, and verse 19 tells us that God hates the MAN that sowed discord among brethren.  

Much can be said regarding how God feels about various things, but for a moment, I will focus on discord.  Some teen or adult children cause discord between parents. In-laws may sow discord between married couples. Some employees create discord at work.  There are even some people who carefully use their words to draw people away from one friend to gain a closer relationship to themselves.  

God hates all of that!  Liberal politicians have mastered the art of division.  They have created division over everything possible in our society.  Proverbs 16 warns about people who cause strife and separate friends.

Proverbs 16:28 “A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.” 

Paul tells us to mark people who cause divisions and to avoid them.  You do not need be unkind, but you do not need to be nice either – avoid them!  

Romans 16:17 “…mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”

Most of us have read a book or watched a movie in which the villain (a lady as often as a man) who acts nice only to cause hurt and division; we hate it and so does God!  

Unnecessary division caused most national revolutions.  In the case of the American Revolution, it was thought through, worked on, and after years of seeking peace, a break had to happen, and the Declaration was written.  In Russia, Germany, and many other countries, economic disaster and division were created – even division over race as the Germans and the Jews.  

America is experiencing this very phenomenon.  A division between us and our Founders has been created, and a division between economic class and race has been magnified.  

Satan is a master divider.  He has used division in churches for centuries.  Satan has used division in homes to break up a cherished institution.  Long ago, I made a decision that if someone starts to cause division between me and the people or things I love, they will no longer be a part of my life!  That is why I do not watch most news, and have avoided many Christians.  Once someone has identified himself as one who tries to divide friends, I am done with them!  

As I wrote earlier, God hates the person who sows discord!  


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil


In our culture, mankind receives a great deal of praise: they throw a ball, build a business, or play an instrument - but Who deserves the praise?

Good Morning,

In our culture, mankind receives a great deal of praise: they throw a ball, build a business, or play an instrument - but Who deserves the praise?

Judges 5:3 “Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes; I, even I, will sing unto the LORD; I will sing praise to the LORD God of Israel.”

In Chronicles there were thousands of people whose primary job was to praise God.  Neglecting to praise God is easy to do - so they made it someone's job.  

1 Chronicles 23:5 “Moreover four thousand were porters; and four thousand praised the LORD with the instruments which I made, said David, to praise therewith.”

We stand and applaud for a touchdown; stadiums resound with shouts and cheers for a great concert or athletic event – but Who made them? Who made their hands, their eyes, and their minds, and Who enabled their coordination? When does God get the praise He deserves?  

1 Chronicles 29:13 “Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name.”

Psalm 22:23 “Ye that fear the LORD, praise him.”

May we praise the One Who deserves the praise.  May we praise the Creator Who made a man agile enough to run, jump, catch, throw, or play an instrument. May we praise God, Who made a brain so spectacular that the five-year-old can speak in several languages.  

We clap for everybody; there ought to be some praising of God.

Americans will clap after a song or a touchdown, but take a moment to look at the stars in the sky and lift up your hands toward Heaven with adoration and worship, and shout "What a God!" I know, we are a more sedate congregation, but seriously, we are not sedate at a ball game? Folks in our church feel a bit awkward when people are expressive.  I know, it needs to be well-timed to not distract from the message, but really, how hard is it to say, “Amen?" What about that uncomfortable verse, Psalms 47:1 “O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph.”  Maybe God means to only shout in private or outside, but wherever and whenever, He said, "clap your hands."

I am not turning Pentecostal, but I am frustrated with all of the praise going to some fornicating gorilla out in the pasture who can run, block, or catch. I am tired folks becoming famous because they make a lot of money when they do not know the Creator. The fact is, the beginning of wisdom and knowledge starts with the fear of the Lord.  (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10)  Who cares what the Hollywood performers or the inventor of a car thinks about politics.  Let us praise the God Who holds our life in His hands and give respect and honor to those who love and fear Him. 

Let us remember to give praise and honor to God. The Bible says that God wants praise from our mouths – out loud! 

Hebrews 13:15 “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.”


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

Blush or Brazen

Any honest person knows that we sin.  Even if it is not called sin, we know we fail, fall short, and make mistakes.  

Good Morning,

Any honest person knows that we sin.  Even if it is not called sin, we know we fail, fall short, and make mistakes.  

Notice what Jeremiah points out regarding the mess Israel had become. 

Jeremiah 8:12 “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall: in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.” 

I remember hearing about queers when I was a child; the subject was always whispered – it was embarrassing even to talk about.  I remember when my parents were the only people any of us knew who were divorced.  We did not talk about it, and when friends came to our house, I always told them my mom’s last name was not Goddard but Ryan so no one was embarrassed by using the wrong name.  

As children, our family went to the beach or the mountains where there was a lake. Our family was all boys, two of us and three boy cousins.  We would wear cut off jeans to swim.  As an eighth grader, I was invited to a party with a bunch of our classmates at someone’s house, and we had to wear a swim suit, no cut off jeans were allowed.  I did not have one. My mom took me to buy a swimsuit and I could not believe people wore something so… form fitting and revealing?  I do not know what I felt, but when I got to the party, I went straight into the water and never left it.

There was “shame” or “modesty” or an emotion innocent children naturally have – there was a BLUSH.

In junior high, every normal boy was interested in girls and wanted to kiss one, but we did not!   

Even in the public school of 1970, shame, blush, and modesty existed.  Of course there was sin, and people did wrong; we knew or heard whispers about it, but no one would openly talk about it. This was not a “narrow-minded” private school, it was a normal public school.  One girl in our high school got pregnant, and she was moved out of our school; no one even talked about where or why, but we knew it was due to her being “PG.” No one would use the term pregnant, and this was in ninth grade, 1971. 

Over time, we have seen blush turn to brazen; embarrassment has been turned to emboldened.  This is the point at which God turns a nation away and ruin peeks over the horizon.

Sin has always been around, and sin has always hurt people, but as long as society has some “blush,” hope exists and God shows some degree of mercy.

The trends in society of supporting brazenness and degrading one’s blush is not due to social development but to shameful development. 

Jeremiah 3:3 mentions that the people refused to be ashamed.

Philippians 3:19 speaks of those who glory in their shame. 

Jeremiah 6:15 “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.” 

Of course, the people of Israel would sin, but their actions were bold, brazen, and daring; as a result, they became devoid of help from Heaven. 

Isaiah 3:9 “The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.” 

Are we embarrassed for our children to see an inappropriate scene on the television?  Are we ashamed when indiscreet images end up before our eyes?  Or have we become “enlightened and emboldened?” The difference will determine whether or not we have the presence of God and His mercy.  

When we started our church in 1982, baby and bridal showers were always specified about the type of shower.  If it were a “PERSONAL SHOWER,” only married ladies were invited; teens were not invited.  Those personal things were not to be in front of single, young ladies. As the old cigarette commercials use to say, “You’ve come a long way baby,” and it has been all the wrong direction. 

How has society affected our Christian homes in the last fifty years?  What do our children see?  Is there any “BLUSH?”


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

Equality and Inclusion?

Genesis 1:26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” 

Good Morning,

Genesis 1:26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” 

Moses was concerned about his ability to speak clearly, but God did not set up a special program, He asked a simple question of Moses.

Exodus 4:11 “And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?”

Allow me to put these thoughts into our political spectrum of diversity and inclusion.

In the political world, their intension is obvious. People will scream about social injustice, but they will not implement their solutions universally. Allow me to illustrate. Someone wants an equal number of diverse groups in the engineering department. Quality, gifted students are rejected from the programs and forced into other areas of training, simply because there are too many people like them in the program, but diversity on the football field or the basketball court is not a priority. Reality comes into focus in the sports realm. If one athlete is not as good as another, he is not going to play or even make the team; his ability is the priority factor, not diversity.

If we forced athletic teams to be diverse completely, we would lower the quality of the athletic teams, and we would cause a great deal of other trouble. The best player in the WNBA is not going to be able to compete on an NBA team. This fact is not an insult or shameful; it is simply a matter of athletic ability. The same is true in medicine or engineering. When we force the engineering programs to be completely diverse, we then have a lower standard, or a lower ability to learn. If someone is doing surgery on you, you want the best, not someone who was hired so the hospital would hold a politically-correct balance of staff.

The foolishness of demanding equity and equality, as it is being defined today is so clear if we would just be honest. Some people love spreadsheets, numbers, and details, and they glory in finding missing nickels and dimes in their bookkeeping; but the same scenario would drive other people completely crazy. Some people are good with their hands mechanically, and others are gifted teachers. Great teachers do not simply know the information, they have the ability to transfer that information from their minds to the listeners, and the listeners leave the room having learned. All of us have had teachers that knew the information, but could not communicate it or compel us to learn it. There is no shame in being who God made you to be. Do not listen to liberal politicians who do not want to believe in God.

I have watched people work with horses who are amazing in their ability to train the horse to do things that we think are impossible. The same is true with all kinds of animal training. We could make similar statements about people who work with landscaping, those who have an eye to know what rocks and what trees and what sidewalks would be the most beautiful. Some people have the eye-to-hand coordination to shoot a basketball or hit a golfball in an amazing fashion, and others are craftsman with wood or stone.

It is common knowledge that there are scholarship programs in higher  academic areas that will limit how many Asians get involved. There are schools that simply say the Asians are getting all the scholarships, and that it is not right. If the scholarship is to be offered for academic achievement, who cares what their background is; let us work with those who are exceptional.

As long as we keep God in the picture, it’s okay to be different. God made us with different gifts and skills. The world is huge, and there are endless requirements to design, build and implement. Just because a guy can shoot a basketball does not mean he can be a good cook; but when I go to a nice restaurant, I want a good cook – I do not care if he can play sports.

Some of the greatest people are not good classroom students. They can watch you weld or tie fishing line and learn easily, but in the classroom, they struggle terribly. Why force those people into a college classroom if that is not what God made them to be. When America had vocational schools, we were a more biblical nation. We had more respect for people’s gifts and abilities.

We all know there are people who are simply funny! They know how to say things in the right way or come up with the right vocabulary, perhaps they are the better at observing humanity. Whatever the reason, the Bob Hopes of our history are great people.  I do not know if Bob Hope could put a new crown on my tooth, and I do not care. 

If we will bring God into an intimate relationship with our families, and throw out the foolish political correctness, we might have less insecurity. When Jesus gave us two basic commands, to love God and to love people, He laid the groundwork for a fulfilled life and a satisfied soul.

I played basketball in a very small high school, and we played against other very small high schools. I looked fairly good in that environment. As soon as I stepped onto a college basketball court though, I found I was not as good as I might have thought. I did not have to play college basketball, I just needed to find out what God wanted me to do. Now, fifty years later, I am very happy with the path that God led me on, and it does not matter whether basketball was a part of that path or not. I found the plan of God and have enjoyed a satisfied and fulfilled life.

God asked Moses, “Who made your mouth?”  The answer is what we need to consider, not whether we get the same chance as someone else. 

As a child of God, I have the exact same opportunities everyone on earth has. I have the chance to do God’s will with my life, and in pleasing Him, I find personal fulfillment and happiness.


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil


The goal of politicians seems to be pleasing men.  Politicians try to figure out what they can say to win the vote?  We can expect that from corrupt people in political positions, but what of Christians?

Good Morning,

The goal of politicians seems to be pleasing men.  Politicians try to figure out what they can say to win the vote?  We can expect that from corrupt people in political positions, but what of Christians?  

When preachers change to please people in order to draw them to church, a problem exists.   Church leadership will often change the lighting, preaching, music, and even beliefs in order to gain or keep a crowd.  It seems to me that pleasing God should be the main goal for the church.  

Some folks came to John to be baptized, and he called them names.

Luke 3:7 :Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” 

In Matthew 23:14-29 Jesus called folks fools, blind hypocrites, blind guides, whited sepulchers, and a generation of vipers. He summed up his rebuke by asking, “How can you escape damnation of hell?”

Jesus was not really into drawing a crowd by making them feel good about themselves.  Self-help messages, self-esteem counseling, and “God loves us all” kinds of preaching never fit into our Lord’s world.

Galatians 1:10 “For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” 

Paul said that seeking to please men would prevent him from pleasing God; this can also be said of the ministry of Jeremiah and most of the prophets. 

Peter and John, having been arrested, were forbidden to preach about Jesus.  Their response was, “…Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.”  (Acts 4:19-20) 

Again, we find a situation in which the apostles refused to submit to government or religious rules that were contrary to the commands of God. 

Acts 5:29 “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” 

We find a similar spirit in Mordecai when Haman expected folks to bow before him. 

Esther 3:2 “And all the king's servants, that were in the king's gate, bowed, and reverenced Haman: for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence.”  

The millions of martyrs did not suffer because they fit in so well. John the Baptist was jailed and lost his head because he preached against the governor marrying his brother’s wife.  

The church is to be the moral compass for society.  The believer is to “come out from among them and be separate.” (2 Corinthians 6:17) Should we love people?  Yes! Should we change our church or standard of righteousness to please a godless world? No! 

Most of us would love to hear politicians say what they mean and perform in office those things they promoted while campaigning for office (but we know that would be asking too much).  Although, we should see in a Christian’s life that which he believes in his heart.  

Colossians 3:22 “…not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:”

vs. 23 “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;” 

1 Thessalonians 2:4 “But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.” 

May we be good to people but seek to please God.


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

Why We Grow the Church

Why do we want the church to grow?   Why do we want people to come to our church?

Good Morning,

Why do we want the church to grow?   Why do we want people to come to our church?

Down in the heart of men, there is an awareness that we need God. There is something inside us that says we are inadequate, incomplete, and incapable of facing eternal things without some divine help, therefore we do want something sort of like a god.  

Our flesh hates the idea of God because if we need God, then God will start telling us what to do because that’s what a God does. Mankind seeks to fill those inadequacies with things on earth that will not tell us what to do.

Humanity would like the help of God, without the authority of God

Humanity would like the wisdom of God without the Lordship that accompanies that wisdom.

Humanity does not mind people having a deity – a god that is added to life like salt to a steak – but humanity does mind when we talk about Jesus, the One Who lived a perfect life and died for their sins because all of mankind was helplessly bound for hell. They do not want us to talk about a Saviour and the Bible, both of which “meddle” in our lives and “tell us what to do” (of all the nerve).

Let us refer back to the opening questions:

“Why do we want the church to grow?"   

“Why do we want people to come to our church?”

In the vernacular of the business world or the military, maybe we should ask, “What is our mission statement?” or “What is our objective?”

The answers to these questions could fill a book, but allow me to attempt to summarize the question in a few simple statements:

1. Man was created to glorify God, so the object of the church is to help mankind understand from the Scriptures what it is that will glorify God in their lives.

The church does not have as its main objective to make people happy but rather to make God happy.

2. We want as many people as possible to be in church because without the Gospel, every human being will spend eternity in hell – that is a tragic end for humanity, and certainly does not glorify God, which is our primary goal.

These two simple statements, which seem to be extremely simple among the complexities of theology, will cause us to do some things a certain way, and not to do other things. 


1. We do not want to make the church like the world, for the Lord called us out of the world.

2. We do not want to make the opinions of men more important than the Word of God. We cannot put the glory of God first if we allow the opinions of men to trump what God has said. 

3. We do not want to make mankind more comfortable in church; we want to make mankind conformable to the will of God.

This subject has much more to it, but this is why we want people to go to church, and why we want our church to grow – FOR THE GLORY OF GOD! 


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil


Matthew 23:14 “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.”

Good Morning, 

Matthew 23:14 “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.”

Jesus says, people who take from others and act religious about it, or act as if they are doing a noble deed in the process, will face greater damnation.  

When one takes from someone else, no matter what he does with the stolen goods, he is still a thief. A thief may give money to the poor, or support special after-school programs, or support fallen soldiers – but he is still a thief. 

When one takes what is not his, he is a thief – no matter what he does with the stolen goods.  No matter how much he might pray over the decision, he is still in big trouble with God.  

When a person gets money from an insurance company, he causes rates to rise, and he takes from the other people who are insured. When one steals from a business, he is actually stealing from the customer who now pays the price rise on merchandise.   

To take social security money or unemployment money for anything that you do not have permission to take makes you a thief. To fraudulently gain income for any reason is theft. 

The same is true of government. Taxes rob widows and the elderly.  California gas taxes rob everyone who drives, but especially the poor. I do not care if the state buys gifts for folks in rest homes, California leaders stole that money, and they are thieves. Whom do you think is paying for the groceries or “free” phone the government program gave you – folks who are simply trying to be honest and pay their bills and their taxes!  Their taxes are higher because the recipient is taking what he did not work to earn!   

Auto insurance suits do not only take insurance company money, they take money from the poor folks trying to keep insurance. The beneficiary of that suit stole that money from their neighbor! 

One who steals from a store and says that the store has insurance is a thief and a robber to the mother or widow who shops there hoping to make it to her next check. The thief can take his ill-gotten gain and buy clothing for the naked people in the jungle – but he is still a thief. 

If you give someone money for roads, and the money is spent on political campaigns – that makes him a thief. 

Let us focus theology.  We took what Jesus gave us: salvation, eternal life, forgiveness, a home in heaven, and the indwelling Holy Spirit, and God asks us to use those gifts for His glory. 

Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” 

Titus 2:14 “Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” 

These verses explain that God saved us so we would work for Him.  If we do not, we are thieves!  Be careful about where you get your money; in the eyes of God, you may be in big trouble!  

As Christians, we need to be sure that we are using that which God gave us for the reason we received those wonderful eternal gifts. 


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil


Mark 7:37 "And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well…”

Good Morning,

Mark 7:37 "And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well…”

In His three-year ministry, every message was perfect, Spirit-filled, and exactly what God wanted said.  Every step was taken in an honorable way; never was there a look or feeling that was inappropriate for the given moment.

Every touch of his hand was anointed by God. Every time eye contact was made, it expressed perfection and holiness, and it communicated the heart of God.

Jesus walked for three years while living a perfect life, sinless, self-sacrificing, and surrendered to the will of His father. The political effect on his country was almost nonexistent. His impact on the religion of His nation seemed, for the moment at least, insignificant. His perfect life, associated with a perfect ministry, was anointed more than any preacher could ever be anointed, yet resulted in a fairly small crowd of believers who followed him. From a distance, there were some who admired and even listened, but they were not willing to be close. Some believers walked closely, but when the risk became too high, they fled – remember, this was God in the flesh!  

If our church had a perfect pastor, and the auditorium was filled with perfect church members, the outward results might be less than we would think. The product of our ministry, if completely run by perfect people, would certainly be more limited than we in our flesh can visualize.

If the effect the Saviour had on the people of His community was so limited, what can we expect? There are simply not many people who care. Few people are willing to say, “No” to the world, the flesh, and the devil, and say, “Yes” to Christ. The masses of humanity are, at best, godless, and, tragically, have no desire for anything more.

Look at the ministry of Elijah. There were hundreds of prophets of Baal, but one Elijah. There  were hundreds of others who would not bow the knee to Baal, but Elijah did not know about them.   For the most part, Elijah stood alone.

None of this is to state that we cannot make an impact; these words are not written to discourage those seeking to do something great. These biblical truths are simply written to remind us that we are but dust, flesh and blood, and prone to wander. Anything good that happens is because of God’s mercy and grace working through us. Every soul saved is a miracle. Every new family growing in grace and serving in the church is a work of God!  Missionaries have served the Lord in Africa for over 200 years, and the entire continent seems as godless as it could be; but remember, we preachers are but flesh, and most people are simply not interested in a crucified life or in surrendering their will to Jesus Christ.

John 8:29 “And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.”

vs. 30 “As he spake these words, many believed on him.”

What a statement, “I do always those things that please him.”  Something none of us can say, yet our Saviour only reached a few in His generation numerically. The effect of Jesus and His ministry has reached believers for over two thousand years after his time on earth. 

What a statement: “I do always those things that please him.”  This is a statement that none of us can honestly state. Even our Saviour only reached a few people in His generation numerically, but the eternal effect of Jesus and His ministry has reached believers for over two thousand years.  We do not know, nor can we see what is truly being accomplished by the Word of God.  We must leave that to Him.


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

The Value of A Soul

Good Morning,

The true value of something is not determined by what some fool will pay for the item, but what an intelligent and well-informed purchaser might pay. I could be fooled, perhaps, and spend a great deal of money on an antique that a wise antique dealer would say is worthless.  

With that in mind, how can we explain the worth of a soul? It is impossible to explain or even understand the value of soul.  What is so valuable that it is worth the life of the Son of God? What is so valuable that it would move the Creator of the universe to give up His relationship with His own Son as Christ became sin on the cross?

The only way we can begin to understand the worth of a soul is to become more aware of the price that was paid. Consider the apostle Paul and the other apostles who gave up their lives for the name of Jesus. These men had careers and certainly needed no new cause to follow. Yet, they chose to forsake everything for that Name which is above every name, and they did it for the souls of men. That helps us understand a little bit about the value of a soul.

From the time of the apostles to the 1600s there were as many as fifty million Christians who gave their lives as martyrs: men, women, and children who devoted their lives to the truth of the Gospel and the salvation purchased by the Son of God. This illustration helps us a little more in seeing the value of a soul.

Today, as throughout history, young couples toss their dreams to the wind as they choose to live their lives in foreign lands for the name of Jesus and for the souls of men. Grandparents miss holidays and birthdays with their grandchildren. Medical needs are cared for in much more primitive circumstances than if they would have stayed in America. Often refined lives are shortened because of the unusual climates, disease, or parasites, yet more young couples go. Again, we see a little picture of the value of a soul. 

Souls of a man are worth the price of death. The souls of men are worth facing the price of suffering. The value of a soul can be learned when we see a Sunday school bus driving through the community with a handful of dedicated workers visiting children on Saturday and picking them up on Sunday. They do not have to give their entire weekend, but they do it because of the value of a child’s soul.

Drive by the beautiful homes and consider the souls on their way to hell, thinking they have no need for God. Pause as you pass the many apartments being built, and remind yourself that every soul in every apartment will die and go to Heaven or hell.  Look at the folks in your carpool, or in the office or shop where you work five days a week, and ask yourself is there any value to their soul?

Do you want to know how important a soul is? I could never properly explain it, but the Son of God left Heaven and spent thirty-three years on a sin-filled earth, just to redeem a soul. Jesus lived thirty-three years with corrupt humanity, without a home of His own, and without His earthly needs being met, but He also loved people and gave Himself tirelessly to the needs of those around Him. Jesus deserves all the glory and accolades of Heaven, it was He Who came to earth to be laughed at, mocked, considered a lunatic, stripped naked, and beaten beyond recognition as people watched. Consider Him Who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself.

What is the value of a soul? A soul is worth dying for; a soul is worth living for; a soul is worth every Gospel track we distribute; a soul is worth every youth activity, camp, and conference.

What is the worth of a soul? A soul is greater in value than anything on the planet, but how much greater, it is impossible to know.

A soul is worth our giving up our young people to go “wherever” and face endless “who knows what?”  This helps us see a little more about the value of a soul.  

Consider what you would do for your own child, if a building was burning and your child was in it – then you would understand a little more of the value of a soul.


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

You Cannot Win Them All

Inside most of us is the desire to fit in, to be accepted, and to be liked.  Yet, truth will draw lines that not only threaten our “favorability rating,” but also can cause serious division. 

Good Morning,

Inside most of us is the desire to fit in, to be accepted, and to be liked.  Yet, truth will draw lines that not only threaten our “favorability rating,” but also can cause serious division. 

Notice a few lessons from John 7:

1. Some wanted Him dead.

vs. 1 “After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.”

2. Our Lord had family members that did not believe His teaching.  

vs. 5 “For neither did his brethren believe in him.”

3. The perfect Son of God brought division among people; some thought He was a deceiver.  

vs. 12 “And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him: for some said, He is a good man: others said, Nay; but he deceiveth the people.” 

Any Bible reader can come up with more passages like these.  Jesus was not well received by all: some loved Him; many hated Him, and others were doubtful of Him.

Allow me to offer a few quick thoughts as we consider the perfect Son of God and His teaching.  

1. Do not expect everyone to like you.

2. Do not expect everyone to like your beliefs, personally or in the pulpit.

3. Do not think that a proper attitude and presentation of truth will always be received.

4. Do not change your belief in hopes of getting people to like you.

Here are a few mistakes some people make:

1. It is a mistake to try to mold your belief so people will like you.

2. It is a mistake to change what you preach so that more people will attend your church.

3. It is a mistake to think that when people accuse or slander you, that you did something wrong.

Proverbs 23:23 “Buy the truth, and sell it not…”

We are to BUY the truth.  That means it will cost us something.  That means those who do not buy it, do not have the truth.  We have the colloquialism here in our country, when someone does not agree with what they are hearing, they might say, “I don’t buy that.”

If being popular or accepted, or finding no friction with church members is your motivating factor, you will have to constantly change your belief.  It is easier to just figure out what you believe and stay there, in fellowship with the Saviour who was also disliked.


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

Leaders Do Not Have to Lead Us

2 Chronicles 31:21 “And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.” 

Good Morning,

2 Chronicles 31:21 “And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.” 

The king labored to clean up the nation, to bring spiritual revival, and to seek out the blessing of God. Certainly, he had enemies and battles. In spite of those who sought his demise, God guided and prospered him.

2 Chronicles 32:22 “Thus the LORD saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria, and from the hand of all other, and guided them on every side.”

vs. 23 "And many brought gifts unto the LORD to Jerusalem, and presents to Hezekiah king of Judah: so that he was magnified in the sight of all nations from thenceforth."

The people were blessed, prosperous, and protected by God, and if you read the story, you will see that the people across the land prospered, from the ordinary farmer to the religious leader. Then, as happens to all flesh, Hezekiah died.  His son, Manasseh, took the throne and proceeded to ruin everything his father had done.

2 Chronicles 33:1 “Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty and five years in Jerusalem:”

vs. 2 “But did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, like unto the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel.”

This sad situation occurred several times in the Old Testament. A simple truth is brought out by this corrupt man – Manasseh. When the next generation throws out the successful, blessed philosophies of the prior generation, matters can only go downhill.  2 Kings 21 gives more details of the story, but one fact is clear - Manasseh was an evil man, and his son, Amon, carried on in his father's evil ways.  

Neither logic nor careful, studious planning leads a useful generation to throw out the ideals of the prior generation. There is no “common sense” that would direct someone to throw out successful practices – only evil can lead to this kind of decision. Certainly, we are witnessing this in America today.

The good news is that Josiah, though his father and grandfather were corrupt and godless, brought revival to the kingdom.

Despite the evil in the prior two generations, Josiah stood for right, truth, and a love for the Word of God.  I am glad that we are not destined to follow in the footsteps of our leaders. Sadly, those who follow great leaders can become corrupt, but the good news is that those who follow corrupt leaders can choose to do right.

May we seek out those who hungered for righteousness and who labored for God and good, and mimic their habits and philosophies. When a generation of corrupt people trash the godly heritage that went before them, let us rise as Josiah and turn to the good and godly values of those in our history.  The leaders in our nation, many of our pulpiteers, and the business leaders of our nation who have abandoned our great heritage, do not have to control our destiny.  We do not need to follow the path of evil, no matter how desperate circumstances may appear. May we stand for truth.


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil

What Do We Say Of Our Enemies

We can learn a great deal about people by watching how they behave, whether it be toward the law, their parents, or a friend.

Good Morning, 

We can learn a great deal about people by watching how they behave, whether it be toward the law, their parents, or a friend.

When someone like Justice Thomas or Justice Kavanaugh are slandered and attacked while people searched through decades of personal history in hopes of finding a weakness, it does not reveal a problem in the person being investigated, but rather a problem in the one seeking the dirt. 

Anyone who pays attention (even slightly) to politics, knows that some people can be corrupt beyond words, and no one will say anything about it; but others, who live exemplary lives, can be under the constant attack of their political adversaries.

The same scenario relates to church work as well. It would be very rare for anyone on social media or YouTube to talk about the hundreds of buses that were driven into Chicago by the ministry of First Baptist Church and Dr. Jack Hyles. For someone to talk about the poor who are loved, or the school that was provided exclusively for the bus riders, or the endless supply of food and provision given to the poor of Chicago is just not done.

In the case of Dr. Hyles, I remember one day, when he brought out the people who used to ride buses from the poor areas of Chicago, who were now on his payroll at the church or one of the three schools – there were dozens of employees, not just one or two. No one talks about that; no one brings up the rescue mission where the down-and-out could not only find a meal and a bed, but also a permanent place to live – and then they went to work shoveling snow for widows or senior citizens. Those kind of stories ought to be remembered – but evil men cannot focus on good, only on evil.

In 2 Samuel, we find the story of the days following the death of king Saul. King Saul was a great enemy of David. Twice, David was nearly killed at the dinner table by a javelin that king Saul threw. David was chased from his home, forced to put his parents in a foreign kings’s care, and lived in caves, wilderness, and alien cities just to stay alive. David refused to fight the Lord’s anointed king. He committed Saul to God. Twice, he had the opportunity to kill Saul without any effort whatsoever, but David would not do it, nor did he allow his soldiers to do it.

In 2 Samuel chapter 1, we see a man who had stumbled across king Saul nearly dead, and Saul had asked the man to finish him off so that the enemy would not be able to abuse him. Having done so, he took the crown from Saul’s head and a bracelet from his arm and brought them to David.  The man probably thought he would be rewarded for the deed, so he rushed right into David’s presence. David and his men spent hours weeping and fasting. Then he ordered the man to be killed.

Notice the way David spoke about Saul in the following verses: 

2 Samuel 1:19 “The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places: how are the mighty fallen!” 

vs. 23 “Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives…”

Beauty, mighty, lovely, and pleasant are the words David used to describe the guy who threw a javelin at him twice.  Greatness is often revealed in the way someone speaks about their enemies (as well as the dead).

We heard much of the negative about George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, yet the critics and scorners chose to pick out areas of weakness rather than all of the great things that could be said about these two great men. Who could not find weakness in any person with just a little investigation?

Pay attention when people are speaking; you will learn much about the intents of their heart. When we considered those whom our children date and marry or those whom we choose to hire, notice how they speak about others and especially how they respect the dead.  Their words certainly reveal much of what they are inside.


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Jennifer Beil Jennifer Beil


Psalm 11:3 “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” 

Good Morning,

Psalm 11:3 “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” 

In every area of life, we learn the value of stability and a firm foundation.  Buildings have deep foundations, and many support systems are built into the structure to protect from earthquakes.

The home has been under attack via divorce, single parents, rotating parents, and foster care, resulting in insecurity in the hearts of men.   Politically, we have seen instability, insecurity, and questions and conflicts that have established confusion in the hearts of citizens.  

The attack on gender is absurd; how much more solid and stable can we get than “male and female?”  Yet this godless culture has fought against the most basic stable pillar of society. 

Laws were one of the stabilizing factors in our nation. As we have continued to stray from the stability of the Bible and to cling to the whims and feelings of man, laws are being maneuvered by who you know and how much money you have. 

In every situation, stability and security are under attack. 

For nearly three hundred years, the King James Bible was the (only) Bible. Then in the late 1800s, version after version was introduced; today, no clear “Thus saith the Lord” instruction is discernible, causing even more confusion.

We know God is not the author of confusion, but Satan certainly is.  The confusion in our world is not just opinions and differences in lifestyle, the confusion lies in spiritual darkness with an eternal purpose. 

For generations, music had order and structure, but then in the 50s, rock and roll entered the music world, and was followed by endless versions of chaos and unstable sounds with no order or structure. So-called “modern art” has followed the same path. Pictures of confusion and questions of “What’s that?” are commonly exclaimed.   

Churches have followed the popular path in our country and tossed aside clear beliefs to adopt whatever trend might be popular at that moment. 

Few church goers have any idea which Bible doctrines they believe, and even fewer still read the Bible.  Even the names of the churches prove instability.  Once we had Nazarenes, Pentecostals, Methodists, and Baptists – and their names each meant something.  You knew what a church believed by the name.  Today there is a branch, a twig, a fellowship, and a shepherd of the valley – church names have no meaning, for the most part.  The church has joined the world of instability, change, insecurity, and no direction. 

Our body temperature should be very close to 98.6.  Our heart rate and blood pressure have very close limits to provide good health.  How much more complex is the soul of mankind and the basis of society.  Primitive lifestyles and uncivilized behavior is only a short step away when we forsake stability and truth.

The one source of truth, stability, and security is the Word of God; may we cling to it, for if we do not, everything will be out of order. 

Psalm 82:5 “They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.” 


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