Conservative Media?

Good Morning,

Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge…”

Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

The fear of the Lord is where we BEGIN to get wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.  It seems reasonable that we ought to seek those who fear God to guide us in wisdom and knowledge regarding most situations in life: including the home, politics, and an endless string of other issues.  I do my best to find godly doctors and other professionals, although it is not always possible.  

This principle is not isolated to spiritual matters.  While I was attending Bible college, our pastor preached against public schools and secular colleges.  Now, fifty years later, most conservatives are saying the same thing, only they are noticing a half century late.

When I started our church, I warned our members against the influence of media. Now, almost everyone (both liberals and conservatives) understands the danger of media and agree to the extent that liberals want to censor media to hide conservative values from the public.  Folks are correct as to the value and power of the media, but they noticed the impact a few decades late.  Anyone who has listened to a God-fearing friend has been decades ahead of the news teams, liberal or conservative.  

People would be farther ahead of the current society if they absorbed information or perspective views about national news from those who fear God rather than modern media.

The motive of those in the media industry is money – money and all that goes with it: followers, popularity, influence, and attention that might influence their future careers.  None of those motives are trustworthy and will only lead one to twist the news to his own benefit.  Godly folks have no agenda, except to defend the truth, protect society, and propagate the Gospel.   Those who fear God will give you a far more pure perspective on current events and information.  

When “MySpace” first came out I warned people (as did a long list of godly people) against allowing their children to access this platform.  Today, doctors and psychologists, from secular to Christian circles, are sounding out the warning about social media, too much screen time, and similar warnings.  Eventually the world catches up with the Bible and God-fearing people - whether a few decades or centuries later.  

We should limit the information we gain from the world and increase our political perspective from the godly people in our lives.  Philosophies of godly friends will probably be decades ahead of any information you may find on even conservatives news sites. (They are conservatives, at least to some extent, but their motive cannot be trusted.) To say that conservative media stars are “God-fearing” would probably be a stretch.  The more fear of God one has, the more wisdom, knowledge, and understanding will prevail.

You will be better off learning political issues from the God-fearing folks than from the newscast.  

Psalms 111:10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.”





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