Who Cares?

Good Morning,

Christmas is certainly a time of encouraging fellowship, enjoying family reunions, exchanging gifts, and expressing love.  To Americans, Christmas is a few days off, extra food, and spending a little extra time with those we love.  I am certainly in complete favor of all the above.

We need to understand that Christmas was originally about the most incredible sacrifice that ever could have been made.  The original Christmas involved a Father giving up His only begotten Son.  The original Christmas involved a young couple surrendering to a life of absolute uncertainty and instability, beginning with a baby born far from home in a manger.  The original Christmas was not focused on food and receiving gifts, but on a cross, hatred, tragic violence, and giving of the most sacrificial kind.

The original Christmas was all about saving mankind from hell.  The original Christmas included the willingness to give up everything for everyone to have the opportunity to gain salvation.  The original Christmas was founded in the deep depravity of mankind but was built by focusing on the deep love of our holy God.   The original Christmas was comprised of sacrifice, death, and giving people a chance to find salvation.

How can we think of Christmas or Easter and not consider the lost people of this world? 

I hope this Christmas you will determine to carry Gospel tracts, to witness to those whose path you cross, and pray for lost souls. That is what Christmas is all about. We are to sacrifice in order that others might be saved. This is the Gospel message that started in Bethlehem and ended on a cross.

Merry Christmas (with the real Christmas in mind)!



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