Christmas Day - The Pricetag of Blessings

Good Morning,

Merry Christmas from Mrs. Goddard and me. 

As we remember our Saviour's birth, may we remember that it was difficult.

• The era was first century (not the easiest time in which to be born).

• The location was far from home and family.

• The medical situation was difficult.  Having a baby in a stable, with no doctor or hospital, was obviously awkward for this couple.

• Socially, Mary and Joseph were uncomfortable; the couple was associated with the rumor of Mary’s unfaithfulness - which, of course, was untrue.

• Spiritually, the battle was difficult. The young couple probably asked themselves what God was doing? They could not have had any idea of all that was involved in the situation.

• Their age made it difficult.  They were young, probably financially broke, and it was the first time they had experienced childbirth.

• The surroundings were uncomfortable.  Imagine what may have been happening as these strange shepherds came to the stable telling stories of angels and who knows what else.

• The future was going to be difficult.

All that to say, our blessings have a high cost.  The gift of eternal life was expensive beyond words.  When God asks us to face an injustice or a trial, may we remember that He also faced injustice and unrighteous actions of others.  May we be reminded that God uses injustice for His glory; our job is to surrender and follow, not complain and become bitter.



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