Great Faith

Good Morning,

Jude 3 “… that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” 

We are commanded to contend for the faith. Our faith is amazing. THE FAITH is the sum of our beliefs, our biblical values, and our commands – this faith of ours is unbelievable in every way.  It was designed by the Creator and passed down to us through a perfect Book. THE FAITH was once delivered to the saints and is precious beyond words.  

Our faith explains a GREAT NEED:

The world is lost – not just a few, but everyone in the world. The churches, GOSPEL-PREACHING CHURCHES, are limited most often by a lack of funds and manpower. Churches have great needs such as our need for a larger building and more buses. The churches around the world all have needs; if those needs are not met, the great work of faith is hindered. 

Our faith assures us of a GREAT AND EFFECTUAL OPEN DOOR: 

God offers us so many opportunities – they are limitless: teaching children, witnessing to a neighbor, bringing the Gospel to a jail or rest home, working on bus route, and teaching or working in the Sunday school. Additionally, we look across the world to people in need of a Bible, the Gospel, and someone to explain that Gospel. 

Our faith requires GREAT CONTENDING:

When Jude wrote to earnestly contend for the faith, it was because staying true to our faith requires contending (of course, that means there is an opponent). This faith of ours is the hope of the entire world, so of course the devil works to hinder or cripple it.  Never be surprised by the enemy showing up in various forms hindering the great work of the Gospel. 

Our faith promises the availability of GREAT POWER to the believer:

The power of the Holy Spirit is promised to the child of God. (Acts 1:8)

Our faith promises the availability of GREAT PRESENCE to the believer:

Matthew 28:19-20 tells us, “…lo I am with you alway…”

He promises that Jesus will be with us everywhere we carry the Gospel. 

Our faith offers us a GREAT WAY TO PLEASE the holy God:

“…without faith it is impossible to please him…” Hebrews 11:6

When the Saviour returns, He will be looking for Our GREAT FAITH:

“… when the son of man cometh, shall he find faith in the earth?”  Luke 18:8



Pleasing Him


Keeping Your Father’s Name?