Why Tell?

Good Morning,

Psalm 96:3 “Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.”

vs. 4 “For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods.”

vs. 5 "For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.”

Many people think it is a noble deed to preserve the ancient ways of a native culture or religion.  The deed is treated as someone who protects a redwood grove.

We do not want to protect ancient sanitation methods. We certainly do not want to protect primitive methods of family values or medical treatment (most end in sickness or death).  Folks do not understand that those ancient religions also result in sickness and death – eternal death.

Notice the text above.  We are to declare God’s glory among the heathen. We are to show all people God’s wonders.  It does not matter whether it is the aborigines of Australia or the sultans of a Middle-Eastern country. Everyone needs to hear about the way of salvation and the glory of God.  There is no other name under Heaven but the Name of Jesus that saves. (Acts 4:12)

God makes it clear in verse five, that the gods of the nations are nothing but idols – brainless, powerless, statues or images that cannot save or deliver.  No doubt, Satan has used these false gods throughout history.  With the provision and permission of the Almighty God, Satan has, no doubt, exhibited some power in these heathen religions.  Sadly, those very religions will send people to hell for an eternity.  Our obligation is to declare God’s glory among the heathen and his wonders among all people.

People die and go to Heaven or hell based upon what they do with Jesus Christ.  We must leave behind the foolish idea of sincerity and loyalty to our heritage, and devote ourselves to truth.

This matter of turning people to the Almighty God, the only true God, is more than getting people out of hell.  This is a debt that every human being owes to their Creator.  God gave us life, and for the majority of us, He gave us eyes, ears, and the ability to think and to walk.  He gives us sun and rain, and food and shelter – we owe Him!  Every human being owes Him!  It is the debt of humanity and the obligation of every honest and decent human being.  Paying our debts is our duty.  The greatest debt every human has is the praise and worship to the One Who keeps their hearts beating.

When you and I talk about Christ to others, we not only do so to get people saved but also to give God the glory He deserves.  Witnessing to others is about the people of our community who so arrogantly think their self-sufficiency has given them their homes and cars and toys. Our soul winning is an attempt to turn people from their arrogance and vanity and teach them to humbly worship the Almighty God Who gives them breath.  Our God, the God Who gave His only begotten Son deserves praise and worship from every human being.  That is the reason for soul winning, church ministries, and foreign missions.

Psalm 96:3 “Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.”

vs. 4 “For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods.”

vs. 5 “For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.”



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