Good Morning,

The Bible says we ought to serve one another. Our Lord said that a servant is the greatest of all.

Matthew 23:11“But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.”

Paul continued the thought that serving others is the purpose for our lives.

Galatians 6:2 “Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”

Acts 20:35 “I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Daily, we all see the UPS truck, the FedEx truck, and the semi trucks moving America up and down the highways; and in addition, millions of Americans travel daily on aircraft. My thought is: how important are the people that keep those planes and trucks running?

The idea that someone needs to have a four-year degree from a university and spend half of his university time sitting under the philosophical influence of God-hating, America-hating idiots is stupid! Why spend our money sending our children to get an "education" when we could send them somewhere to be trained vocationally to do something useful without all the philosophy, cultural enrichment, and moral corruption. I would much rather have someone teach me to build a computer, write a program, or service a city bus. I would rather my child be useful than to have a college degree.

Somebody is keeping those planes flying. Somebody is keeping our diesel trucks on the road. Someone knows how to work on the giant earth-moving vehicles, service hydraulics, and maintain the cars that flood the highways. Those people are important. Those people are useful. They do not need a college education to be useful. How many of us know of college-educated people who are useless? Millions of useless college graduates are scattered across the country. Useful is what college should make us. We should go to a vocational school or some other kind of school to learn to be useful. If you have spent much time with drug addicts or criminals, you have found that many of them are very educated, very good communicators, and many can converse intellectually and discuss a broad array of subjects — but they are useless to society.

We have allowed liberal God-haters to tell us that our kids all need a college degree. The reason college education is pushed so much is because when a young person is placed on a college campus for four years, his morals are constantly attacked, his values are constantly attacked, his patriotism is constantly attacked, and then the college may find him something "useful" to do to help him get a job. (The last one is only a possibility, not a guarantee - the first few are guaranteed.) Liberals would love to get every child into college; it would give them sixteen years to pervert the minds, morals, and values of that child — a dream come true for Satan. Private Christian schools, followed by quality vocational schools or Bible colleges will make our young people useful, employable, and patriotic, as well as do wonders for their marriages, families, and communities.

Psalms 1:1 “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”

Blessings are promised to the person who does not sit, stand, or walk in the ways of the godless world around us, yet we toss our youth into cesspools of iniquity to be trained for life. It makes no sense.

Not long ago, there were vocational high schools and colleges. For a high school student to say he was attending a "tech" school was to say he was in a more academic high school, but vocational high schools taught students mechanics as well as the "three R’s." Fifty years ago, vocational training was common and admired. A youth was learning to do something USEFUL. Today, we pay $20-50,000 a year to have our children study sociology or the development of dance in ancient Africa. Environmental studies are common, as are courses in counseling, psychology, and political science. Who gets a job with a degree in economics, unless it is to teach Economics? Perhaps we should try to make our young people useful. We surely do not need many more politicians. Counselors are a dime a dozen and have done little to help American homes. Why get a counseling degree unless you want a government job working with drug-abuse situations that will rarely help any of them? A job with a paycheck is one thing, but what about being useful?

Galatians 5:13 " love serve one another."

Let us prayerfully seek a USEFUL path for our young people. Exalt careers that minister to others: builders of all kinds, medicine, anything to do with servicing society, law enforcement, or the ministry.

On a side note, medicine, military, and law enforcement are the hardest on our Christian service. These three are hard on marriages and make it difficult to teach the children well.

It is difficult to stay faithful to church in these careers, but they do help others and we sure need that emphasis.

We are losing far more missionaries than we are sending. The world is growing in population while the number of those preaching the Gospel shrinks; surely more of our youth should consider the work of God, but that has to be a call from God. Ironically, God calls many more workers from families and churches that lift up preaching and ministry as the highest calling. Seems as if God might call those who are thinking about it.



