Things You Can Lose

Good Morning,

In this brief life, one faces many false hopes, disappointments, and empty dreams.  In the course of following these empty feelings, real things might be forfeited. 

The possibility of losing blessings is real; some are difficult or impossible to ever get back.

You can lose:

1. Your life - James speaks of a sin unto death.

2. Your joy - guilt, shame, and endless emotions can terrorize you for decades.

3. Your testimony - you can end up like Lot, such a fraud that no one takes you seriously, and may even cost you your children (as it did Lot).

4. Your ministry - oh the wonderful opportunities to serve God that can be lost by wrong doing.

5. Your eternal rewards - you can arrive in Heaven “ashamed” and empty-handed for eternity.

(More details on this subject can be found in a coming sermon at our church.)

Do not make the mistake of acting like this world is the end; it is only the stepping stone to your eternal world – do not ruin it.  As Bob Jones said, “Never sacrifice the eternal on the altar of the immediate.”

Oh yes, there is one thing you cannot lose – you will never lose your salvation.  



God’s Plan for You


Finished Work of Calvary