Ten Reasons to Never Make Excuses

Good Morning, 

As we consider rearing our children and training our young adults, may we attempt to teach them not to make excuses and to avoid complaining. Some people are more prone to blaming others, blaming circumstances, or making excuses about some injustice; others do not do so as much. Making excuses and complaining are ungodly, and good parents should do their best to train this corrupt thinking out of their children.  

Numbers 11:1 “And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the LORD burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp.”

1. No one wants to hear complaining; God killed a group of complainers.

2. If you did your best, that is enough; you need not explain. Be known as a man who always does his best.

3. Only your mother will listen, and most of the time, even she will not listen.

4. No one respects a complainer.

5. No one wants to date someone who complains.

6. No one wants to be married to a complainer.

7. Complaining sounds stupid to everyone besides you.

8. Complaining does not get the job done, and the job is what matters.

9. God is in charge, and He controls difficult, frustrating, and unjust situations, so do not complain about circumstances God arranges or allows.

10. If you are in the will of God, all the circumstances are okay; you are the variable. Do your job and keep your mouth closed.

Pastor Goddard




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