Staying Right

Good Morning,

Most people either want nothing to do with religion, or they feel that they are fairly good Christians already.  Consider the Pharisees; they were content with their form of religion, and they felt no need to change anything.  As such, the preaching of Jesus caused them no end of anguish, and ultimately, they were angered enough to kill Him.  

The circumstance is no different today.  Often, I meet people from different churches or religious backgrounds, and they think I am fine and they are fine, even though we believe differently in a thousand ways.  As long as they do not have to hear me preach, they do not care.  When I am visiting people door-to-door, I meet people who are happy with their religion and do not want to hear any Bible that may mess up their belief system.  

Many people have visited a church, and within a short time quit attending because they were urged to commit to a higher level of service to others. When people are content with their Christian lives and have no intention of changing anything, a church with strong convictions may be a problem to them. 

When it came to following Him, Jesus thought differently.  Our Lord first mentioned that we should deny ourselves - that which I think, want, and desire all needs to become subject to what He wishes for me.

Mark 8:34 “And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”

Honest people will admit that they drift constantly, that they need the Bible daily to stay right, and that hearing preaching regularly helps to remind themselves of right and wrong.  I listen to preaching often, and I often receive a nudge or a slap in the face to put me back in line in some area of Christian living.  The songwriter wrote, “…prone to wander, Lord I feel it…” – and so it is with all of us.

I want to be urged to improve my faith or my prayer life.  I want to be challenged to increase my financial giving or time witnessing throughout the week.  I need the Bible and preaching to remind me to forgive, to serve, and to love the unlovely.

I did not grow up in a Christian home, and though I feel it was a great home in many ways, attending church was not a part of our world.  Many a weekend, we spent time at the beach, and, as a child, I remember my mom nearby on the sand watching us in the water.  The movement of the waves and currents always pulled us one way or another.  Soon we would look up and mom would be way down the beach.  We had drifted, and either we noticed and returned to where she was, or she noticed and called us back. 

Being pulled by the water is a perfect example of my Christian life.  I look up and notice my unforgiveness and move myself back to forgiveness, or a sermon calls me back.  I may notice selfishness and move myself back to Christian living for others, or a message brings me to my knees and calls me to return to right.  We all drift and should not be so arrogant to act as though we need no call to repentance.  

For this reason, our Lord rebukes us for judging one another – we all need help! 

Luke 6:37 “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:” 

Romans 2:1 “Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.” 

Romans 14:4 “Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth…"

Though the world may think they are “good enough,” any honest child of God knows that we need all of the mercy and help we can get to stay right or get right.  Allowing ourselves to get out of church or to join a church in which no messages ever prick our hearts is a great danger – we need our toes stepped on regularly.  May we not become angry when we are urged to be better, but may we thank God for help to stay right.

We will either respond well and return with a broken heart, or we will eventually be crushed by the truth we resisted.  

Luke 20:18 “Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” 



Our Hearts & Words


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