Years ago, the famous Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, grew to have amazing size and productivity: souls were saved and this ministry was probably was the most successful missionary-sending church in America. Dr. Lee Roberson was the pastor there for approximately forty-five years and built his ministry on simple things. His sermons were basic, and his ministry was simple.

“Never vary” was one of the key phrases of his ministry. Do not change.

Another phrase that was heard often was “Three To Thrive.” Get yourself to church three times a week, and you will thrive.

“The Crucified Life” was often the subject of his preaching. “Die To Self” was the key to getting along at home and in the community – not spectacular acts, just simple Christian living.

His counseling was unique as well. If you went to him for advice, he would almost always tell you the same instruction: go to church three times a week, read your Bible every day, and when you have done that for 30 days straight, come see me again. That took care of a lot of counseling.

As a pastor, Bro. Roberson told me he built his ministry on twelve visits a day. Whether the visit was a hospital call or a new visit door-to-door, five days a week making twelve visits a day was the way he built the church.

We love new recipes for success: bright unusual ideas, catchy styles, or miracle foods such as the eat-all-you-want-and-lose-weight diets. In reality, greatness is found in doing the simple things over and over, and doing them right.

In hopes of finding some new, easy way to do something, do not chase the spectacular new idea, and do not ignore the simple, pre-tested, successful recipe. Just do right -- love God, live holy, serve others, read the Bible, and go to church three times a week -- and your Christian life will be just fine.

Simplicity, sincerity, and consistency are three keys to building a successful Christian life!


