Good Morning,
Mankind frequently thinks he knows more than God, whether it be about origin of humanity and the planets, or family or church; man is totally stuck on himself. (Sorry, but that thinking is way beyond foolish.) How could the creature know more than the creator?
Let me speak pointedly about children. How about one question, “How do I keep my children from going to hell?” The Bible gives one simple truth about it. Go read Proverbs 23:13-14; it is clear and simple and one of the most rejected verses by Christian young couples I know.
I mean, the average couple attending Bible-teaching churches does not believe this verse. So, as I read Scripture, young church-going couples are much more likely to see their children go to hell than couples were fifty years ago by simply ignoring two verses.
I have taught for years that if you want a spirit corrected in your child, you have to do SOMETHING. Nowhere that I know of does God talk about reasoning with children. Children were given parents because the child cannot reason properly. They need someone else to MAKE them do right until they learn enough to do right on their own, yet our homes are filled with undisciplined children who are addressed as members of the board of directors. Parents are trying to help children see the logic in their instruction (and we can all see how well that is working). Maybe we should try to do things God's way. (Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 22:15)
How about marriage; let me see if there is a simple verse or two we might consider. Proverbs 5:19-20 and 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 will give clear instruction on marriage. These verses are not difficult, just seldomly read.
How about the trendy "worship" of today. Most churches have "worship leaders," "worship teams," and a time in the church service set aside to "worship." There is not enough room to list verses, but I would like to challenge those who study to read every verse in the New Testament that mentions worship - there are forty. Not one even implies vaguely a group of people in corporate worship.
America was built on churches, preaching, praying, and singing hymns. Try finding giant groups in "worship" in America's history. You will look long and hard to find anything even remotely close to what is dominating our churches today (except in a few Pentecostal meetings). If it is not in the New Testament, maybe it should not dominate our church services. Like the “tongues” movement, the "purpose driven church movement,” the neo-evangelical movement, and the Promise Keepers, this too will pass (like bell bottom pants).
My point is, in too many areas of life, we do what we think is best, what feels best, or what friends like rather than searching out what God says is best and simply obeying Him. John 5:39 tells us to search the Scriptures, 2 Timothy 2:15 instructs us to study. If we hope to gain the things God has hidden for us in the eternal Word, we need to search and study the Bible. Maybe a little less time on social media and more time in the Bible will help turn our nation back to God.