Remember & Understand
Good Morning,
Moses sent the twelve spies into Canaan. Forty days later, they returned with not only the wonderful fruit of the land but also with the fearful news of giants and walled cities. We look at Israel with a measure of disdain for their refusal to continue on the path God had for them; but sadly, many believers today, through fear, walk away from their "promised land" as well.
In my four decades of ministry, I have watched many a family turn from the path before them because of fear: fear of legal issues, fear of financial sacrifice, fear of social isolation, or fear of their children not being able to fit into the collegiate world or the secular college graduate world. Out of fear of joblessness or social stigmas, many parents have directed their children away from ministry training. Unaccredited high schools or colleges have brought fear as well; yet, many people are comfortable choosing medical training which, although it may provide economic stability, will surely pull them from faithfulness to church and serving God.
The fear of walled cities is little different from fear of being a part of a soul-winning church with some stigma attached.
How does it happen? What went on in the heart of the Israelites that turned them from the future God had planned for them?
Psalms 106:7 “Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies; but provoked him at the sea, even at the Red sea.”
Israel made two mistakes that led them to turn back from wonderful opportunities at Kadesh (Numbers 12-14). They "understood not,” and they "remembered not." These elements are certainly present in the modern Christian world. Some of our own church members fail to understand what God is doing; they fail to see the wonders God is achieving in the lives of those around them. They do not understand. They do not grasp the miracle of children getting saved week after week. Many do not understand what a wonder it is to consistently have thirty to forty young people in Bible college. Some people who attend church do not understand how amazing it is to have over one hundred people a week going out into local neighborhoods and telling others about Christ. To hear of people getting saved and to enjoy big days is more of a miracle than many understand. "Our fathers understood not thy wonders..."
The next trouble is not remembering:
Psalms 106:7 "...they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies..."
The Israelites forgot the wonders that were done in Egypt, such as plagues that exalted God and abased the gods of Egypt. Israel simply forgot how many awesome things God had done. Flies, lice, frogs, and water to blood to name a few. We cannot afford to forget what God has done. Men who never dreamed it would happen have found themselves in front of crowds preaching the wonderful words of God. Families have been involved in big days when thousands heard the story of salvation. From our little children, came pastors and missionaries; these miracles among us can be forgotten. We do not make a big deal about it, but a dozen or more babies (who are now adults) were born when doctors said the parents could have no children. We have witnessed miracle healings and miracle conversions. We have seen a few of our own walk away, but we trust too that God is faithful and will restore them to fellowship one day. When believers forget the wonders God has done, and when they fail to understand the amazing work God has achieved in their presence, it is then that people walk away back to their old lives.
Believers cannot afford to forget all God has done among them. We have started churches and sent missionaries from our own children’s classes, and dozens of young people are getting married and staying married who once attended our Sunday schools. A grave danger exists in forgetting what God has done. Look what Israel ended up doing.
Psalm 106:13 "They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel:”
When believers forget how good God has been, they soon fail to wait on His instruction, and they do make their own choices without including God.
The result was the desire for the goods of the old world. They wanted the possessions they left in Egypt; for modern believers, it is the joys of the old life. They desired the comforts their unsaved friends might have had.
Psalm 106:14 “But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert."
If we fail to understand the great things God is doing and to remember His wonders, it will not be long before we become casual Christians. We may attend church sporadically, but to live sacrificially for others or serve and invest time, talents, and treasure is rarely done as it once had been.
The next step is conflict with leadership.
Psalm 106:16 "They envied Moses also in the camp, and Aaron the saint of the LORD.”
They understood not, they remembered not, and they forgot His works; they failed to listen to God's counsel, and they struggled with their leaders.
God reminds them again of their problem: remembering.
Psalm 106:21 "They forgat God their saviour, which had done great things in Egypt;”
vs. 22 “Wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red sea.”
May we each seek to remember and to understand that we might gain the future blessings God has in store for us.