
Good Morning,

Fulfillment and meaning in life have been the subject of countless books and lectures throughout time.  One of the distinctions that set mankind apart from animals is the desire to have meaning for life.  

Our purpose is to glorify God.

Revelation 4:11 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” 

Other passages amplify this in varied vocabulary, but the essence is the same – we are here for God and our goal is to make Him look good. 

The last part of that verse clarifies that truth: “...and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”  If it pleases God that I face trouble, then it is my job to face that trouble and bring glory to God through my behavior as I face the trial of my faith (James 1).

1 Peter 1:7 “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:”

We live in a culture that seeks fulfillment everywhere except in God.  Mankind wants a cause that makes them look good, whether it be charitable, environmental, or social.  We see people finding a cause in saving an animal or helping the planet by what they drive or what kind of bag they use for groceries.  We see others who find a purpose in the promotion of healthy eating, or non-toxic gardening – none of these things are sinful unless they take us away from glorifying God, for that is why we were created.  The "cause" is really unimportant, glorifying God is the priority.

Parents are seeking fulfillment by doing what others have not done, like living in a bus and driving the nation while homeschooling their children.  Again, there is no sin in that “purpose” unless it keeps you from church and service of others – and it usually does. 

The home remodelers are popular today; and there is nothing wrong with that, except for the great imbalance in expenditures on the house and our giving to the church, both of time and money.  We can remodel our entire home but cannot get out soul winning once a week, and that is wrong.  We can travel the nation to show our children the world, yet we cannot show one poor sinner the Gospel and teach our children about Sunday school and training others to grow in grace. 

1 Corinthians 10:13 “Whether Ye therefore eat or drink, or whatsoever Ye do, do all to the glory of God.”

The same principle applies to sports.  We give countless hours to training our child in some athletic skill, yet we fail to train them to love the poor or to serve their church and community.  Dare we even consider video games and social media in our purpose?  How far do these activities cause us to stray from our purpose? 

The greatest fulfillment comes from investing in eternity, a spiritual walk, and in actions that glorify God.  For this reason, we have always had a service-oriented ministry.  We want folks to sing, pass out tracts, teach the Bible, preach in public, run buses to pick up the poor, and be involved in any outreach that will affect lives for eternity.  We desire folks to walk daily with God, and to worship Him, to praise Him, to talk to Him, and to read His Word.

Somewhere it seems we have all heard about the two great commandments – to love God and to love our neighbor.  What kind of grocery bag you carry has absolutely nothing to do with either of those GREAT COMMANDMENTS.  Driving an electric car might help your gas mileage and commute time, but it is far from the great commandments or our purpose on earth. 

A large portion of what we eat in our home is organic, but I seriously doubt God is looking down from Heaven saying, “Look at those kids of mine, eating organic food.  Wow!  That is what I created them for.” Our purpose is not to be vegan, or to homeschool, or to save a fairy shrimp, or even to protect our children from the world.  Our job is to send our children into the world to preach the Gospel, to get folks saved, and to love God! 

Purpose.  I feel sorry for the pro-athlete whose life is engulfed in a ball or a sport, and they are so consumed that they do not even attend church.  I feel sorry for the writer of books who is skilled with words, yet never uses those words to teach the Bible to the unlearned.  How pitiful is the singer or actor who never opens his mouth to speak the eternal Words of the living God!  

Cooking shows or investment strategies, standing against immunization, or for non-GMO foods: those causes do not contain a real purpose; they are a distraction from the REAL PURPOSE for our lives.  We are to serve God and honor Him.  We are to spread the Gospel to the world and love the Word of God, and when we live for those things, we will find true fulfillment.



Busy Body


Command to Love