Peace or A Fight

Good Morning,

Matthew 10:34 “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

vs. 35 "For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”

vs. 36 “And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.”

One of the things the devil uses very successfully is the godly person’s desire for peace. I am not only talking about Christians, I am talking about common, decent people. The normal decent person is not looking for a fight; they are not looking for contention; they are not looking to argue and attack.

Look at what the liberals did with President Trump. There has never been anything proven about January 6, about Russian collusion, or about countless other issues. He was consistently proven innocent in all of these matters, but evil stirred up a fuss.  Truth did not matter; strife was the goal.  It was the same for Clarence Thomas and Justice Kavanaugh.  If conservatives are thinking they need a candidate without all the fuss attached to him, they had better choose a liberal.   It would be wise if we decided whether we want the right candidate or peace.

Our founders had to make a decision regarding their relationship to England. For years, they tried to secure peace and order between the colonies and England. Strife and battle were the last resort, but it had to happen.  Someone had to be willing to stand up and fight.   

To that crowd that wants peace at any price, I say, go on and compromise on everything from your marriage to your children! People are free to compromise on morals, job, and finance! Go ahead! Be a communist rather than fight for liberty! Embrace peace rather than righteousness! Go ahead and use a soft path rather than a righteous path! Choose a church so passive that it makes no waves - that is what America allows.

Remember, the river is crooked because it follows the path of least resistance. 

I say, go ahead! Find your way to a peaceful existence where there is no tension or strife, and you will find yourself destroying and losing everything that you hold precious.

If a two-year-old stomps his feet and you give him his way, you may create temporary peace, but you set the scene for war in the future. 

The devil’s crowd knows that we do not like to throw a fit and cause a fight. If we lose an election, we go on about our business with our jobs and our families, and we wait for the next election.

If a liberal does not get his way, he throws a fit and causes much tension just as a two-year-old throwing a temper tantrum. Silly conservatives give in because they would rather have peace than right. Consider the spirit of our founders as is made clear in Samuel Adam’s address: 

Samuel Adams in a speech to the Second Continental Congress on August 1, 1776.

“If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

Look at the number of Scriptures that deal with fighting: 

“Fight the good fight…”

“We wrestle not against…”

“Stand fast in the liberty…” 

• In Galatians 2 Paul publicly withstood Peter to the face. 

• Abraham had to tell Lot to go.

• Noah was not directed by God to pick the soft, easy path.

When Jesus comes, it will not be in peace and kindness, but with a sword.  

Being peace-loving people is right, as long as our love for peace does not supersede our desire for right.   There will be strife in this life, or righteousness will be forfeit.  





Great Friends