Paul’s Instructions On Giving
Good Morning,
In our busy world, I would like to express a few thoughts in the area of giving. Expenses are high, and world events bring uncertainty, but Paul’s instructions are simple and clear.
1 Corinthians 16:2 “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.”
Let us outline this verse:
1 “…the first day of the week…” - That would be Sunday.
2 “…every one of you…” - That would be EVERY ONE OF YOU.
3 “…lay by him in store…” - Throughout the week, we ought to prepare to give.
4 “…as God hath prospered him…” - Each one is to give in a manner that reflects the goodness of God in his life.
Every one should be giving - EVERY ONE - and they should be doing so on Sunday. The rest of the week, all believers should be considering their giving on Sunday and be preparing for it according to how good God has been to them.
What is happening in the world does not change these instructions. The cost of living does not correct what is written in the Word of God. When considering these principles, our offering plates ought to be overflowing, and our upcoming victory rally ought to easily reach our goal.