Never-Changing Agenda
Good Morning,
It is not difficult to see the parallels between Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and our modern liberal politicians. The dumbing down of our educational system is only one of countless parallels. Tyrants do not want a skilled, thinking populous that is too difficult to rule. (Make no mistake about this – these kinds of people want to RULE.)
When Israel was conquered by Babylon, the first group taken away captive or killed was the skilled laborer and those with leadership qualities. The willingness to plan, organize and rebel had to be eliminated first.
The development of the low, uneducated, poor laborer while lifting up the government is another parallel of tyrants. Those who wish to rule love uneducated, thoughtless laborers. People who will grovel at the feet of benevolent dictators are in great demand. Those who wish for the liberty to try, succeed, or even fail are too difficult to rule and to keep in subjection.
Another parallel with ruling governments is the lowering of the importance of the home and making fathers insignificant. Nebuchadnezzar did not bring potential fathers into his arena; Daniel and countless others were under the care of the “prince of the eunuchs.” The danger of fathers and those opposing government was well known. The ones that take care of the family (the solid, thoughtful fathers who lead the home) are a danger to small men who desire power and authority. These examples are all indisputable historical repetitions from one demagogue to the next. Ancient conquerors burnt libraries, put scholars into the fields as laborers, killed potential rulers, and broke up families.
Acts 8:3 “As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison.”
The great desire of the government to disarm the citizenry lines up exactly with every tyrant throughout history. Every dictator told the people the same story; they stated, “We’re doing this to keep you safe.” Foolish people keep believing these ridiculous lies. The question no one seems to have enough sense to ask is, “Who will keep us safe from the government?” These kinds of historical parallels can go on and on.
1 Samuel 13:19 “Now there was no smith found throughout all the land of Israel: for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews make them swords or spears:”
vs. 20 “But all the Israelites went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man his share, and his coulter, and his axe, and his mattock.”
Consider to movements to remove the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press, this gesture is not new. The censorship of ideas that are not in agreement with the government is as old as the printed page itself. These are not spiritual and biblical opinions, these are historical facts. For this reason, our founders gave us the First Amendment to protect the right of the common man to denounce, to criticize, and to speak against the government both in word and on printed page. Notice how that freedom is also being pulled away from citizens today!
Whether or not people like it, there is a parallel of the lowering of the importance of a woman. In the ring of tyrants, the woman is put in the fields as slave labor or in uniform to fight, or if attractive enough, much worse situations. The role of mother is diminished incredibly, elevating jobs and pushing government day cares. Likewise, the sacred relationship between husband and wife is slowly eradicated, and the wonder of homes is degraded by licentious living and perverted entertainment. The socialist mantra is “life is work, obey, submit to government – and dare not resist.”
Satan needs no new ideas; he just keeps recirculating the old ones.
Erasing the heroes of the past, and defaming those that cannot be erased is likewise necessary if someone is to reform society, or as President Obama put it, “to fundamentally transform the United States.” No one can read the writings of Thomas Jefferson and not glory in the principles of freedom, independence, capitalism, and limited government. If a tyrant is to eventually rule in America, the slow process will have to pass through the erasure of the writings of our framers and founders. If writings cannot be eliminated, they will be so maligned that no one will consider reading them.
For this reason we need to read and to remember from where we came. We need to know our Bible and our American history, as well as our Baptist history. Isaiah asks the people to remember where God brought them from.
Isaiah 51:5 “Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.”
We must not forget where God brought us from! The very simple rules of civility by George Washington, if re-inserted into our educational system, would totally change self-respect, as well as respect for others.
May we be prudent in study, in remembering, and in teaching while resisting the communist, socialist, and tyrannical leaders being pushed upon us.