Good Morning,
While we were in Israel, we saw many historical places and gained insight into the culture and people — the trip was great! On our last day, we spent much of the day wandering through a shopping area in downtown Jerusalem. There were many ladies’ clothing shops that carried an amazing assortment of modest, fashionable clothing. While a few ladies in our group shopped, I began talking to the shop owner. He said that his father had the business for decades, and many years ago, he determined to not carry "immodest clothing." Those were his words. Their business card read, "Modest Trendy Clothing." He said that even in Israel, many people wear indiscreet clothing, and business was hard for a while after they limited their selection to modest items; but now, after many years, people come from all over town to buy from his shop because of the modest quality styles.
As we talked, he asked who we were (seeing that our ladies were dressed so modestly). It is not lawful to witness, but I could at least answer questions. Explaining that we were Bible-believing Baptists who stayed true to the modesty lessons taught in the Bible, he listened intently and was very pleased. He said he had met people from Calvary Chapel who did not look at all like our ladies. He had read about them on their website; he quoted "come as you are,” and felt the Lord deserved better. Remember that I am speaking to a Jew, not a Christian. I assured him we believed in "come as you are," but also leave with the Lord in your heart, systematically changing your life, inside and out. We talked about Bible verses and the love of God, he felt we had a divine appointment and wanted to visit our website and learn more. To him, it made sense that when someone met the God of the Bible, it would change one's outside as well as inside. I quoted a verse and he quoted others right back, all in agreement with one another. He was a Bible-reading man.
Immodesty has always been around; Solomon wrote of the woman in Proverbs seven who wore the attire of the harlot (and yes, this was in Jerusalem about 900 B.C.). For those who are interested, I have listed several simple thoughts to guide the appearance of a woman. (Because men are totally visual in their response, God talks much about women's dress and rarely about that of men.)
1. Not as a harlot - clothing that accents the sensuous are to be avoided.
Proverbs 7:10 “And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot…"
What does a woman wear to show off her body? What are styles and fits that follow the fashion statement of a whore?
2. Not "pertaining" to a man. Any clothing that is similar to a man’s clothing should not be worn by a lady.
Deuteronomy 22:5 “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” that implies or resembles those of the opposite gender. The Bible does not say when or where, it simply states that a man should wear nothing that resembles a lady’s clothing nor the other way around (simply, that one should dress in the fashion of the gender God made you).
3. Modest - Modest meaning simple and a cloak to the shape.
1 Timothy 2:9 “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;”
vs. 10 “But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.”
vs. 11” Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.”
Here we see women instructed to be careful in their appearance and to model their dress after godly women (not fashion models or Hollywood whores). I find it interesting that, in this passage, men are to be taught to pray in verses 1-8; and in verses 9-12, women are to be taught to dress modestly and live submissively. In the eyes of God, ladies dress goes hand-in-hand with submission. (Older people can remember the phrase, "Who wears the pants in the family?” Dress and authority go together.)
So, yes, our outward appearance does matter. As my Israeli friend quoted, “The inside is important, too, or they will be like a ring in a pig’s nose.” He wrestled with the right English words, but I knew to what he was referring. Remember, to the Jews, pork is more than a dirty animal to be smoked and enjoyed as bacon; they have no bacon in their lives. The woman without virtue was forbidden, just as pork is forbidden!
As my Jewish friend noticed, God cares about how we look. I am hoping as he looks to our website that the Gospel is noticed. We also exchanged email addresses, and I will follow up on him that way as well.
Pastor Goddard