Making A Difference

Good Morning,

There is much talk in our world about people finding a purpose, a reason to live, and feeling fulfilled about their lives.  This is the reason people get involved in the preservation of some endangered species or the care and protection of animals.  There is a need to have a purpose and to feel as though your life is making a difference.  Perhaps this is the reason people drive a smaller car or plant a certain kind of water-saving landscape, hoping that their lives might be part of the answer to the world’s trouble, and in turn find purpose and usefulness.

As the broken record plays again, I say that the church and Christianity has everything that humanity needs.  If we would be saved, read our Bibles, and find a place of service and ministry, we would not only find we feel useful and fulfilled but we would actually make a difference on an eternal scale.

If we want to make a big difference, helping people is the most effective course to take; for people, alone, are eternal.  Helping people requires God; and obtaining God’s help requires submission and obedience. This is where the problems surface:  people love to do things their own way; people want to be good their own way; people want to choose their own methods and manners of making a difference.  Making a difference in the life of an eternal soul demands surrender to the only Person Who can save a soul, Jesus Christ.

Just think of what a big difference a church bus driver, who picks up children week after week for Sunday school, can make for eternity.  Think of the hundreds of souls who hear the Word of God taught and of the eternal difference that is made when some of those souls trust Christ as their Saviour.  Consider the eternal difference that is made when a person opens the Bible and teaches the Bible to children or adults, hour after hour, week after week, year after year.  Those who hear the Word of God will grow into adults and have the eternal Word of God embedded in their hearts and souls.  What could be more eternal than that?  To accomplish this, one must have the help of the Holy Spirit and must follow the path and pattern that God has set up for His work.

(There we go again needing to do things God's way instead of our own.)

Is witnessing to a lost soul or bringing a saved person back to Christ significant enough to make a difference?

James 5:20 “Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.”

That sounds mighty significant to me!

If you want to make a difference, forget the cute little car and teach Sunday school instead.  Or go on and eat beef and baked potatoes but drive a Sunday school bus or visit in the rest home or jail.  People are eternal; investing in people makes a difference!  Love them, teach them the Bible, tell them of Christ's love — that is how to make a difference.



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