Making A Difference

Good Morning,

Matthew 28:20 “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…"

1 Corinthians 4:2 “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”

Most certainly, we all desire to have our lives count for the glory of God. We strive to have a marriage, children, and personal life pleasing to God.

Life is not just about my happiness; my life should influence the lives of others.

I can witness as I have opportunity; I can pass out tracks; I can use my money to be a help to others, but each of these will be an individual instance and very temporary.

Some people attend a church for a while, then they go to another church. Other people frequently drift from one church to another. It is a blessing that they learn the Word of God, smile, shake hands, and enjoy the music and fellowship, but to make a real difference in someone’s life takes time; and to make a serious impression on a life takes commitment.

Another group of people sporadically attend church.  They like it, but not too much. To them, church is a part of life – something you add to life like salt to a meal; it is nice, good, and desirable, but not really a big part.  This group of people walk into church, love the spirit, smile as they see faithful brethren serving and making a difference, and perhaps feel that by being there, they too are making a difference.  In reality, they never get faithful enough to be trusted with any responsibility, and as such, never enjoy making a difference.

I am completely and 100% in favor of people being active in their church (one singular church) for the long-haul. When you have one church where you teach, serve as an usher, sing in the choir, or work in the church nursery you are making an impact deeper than the casual, temporary impact of someone who comes and goes.

Jesus did not say to only witness, He said to make disciples; He said to teach people to observe all things. The book of Ephesians says it is our job as church members to edify or build the body of Christ. If I am going to edify and build people, I need to spend time with them. I need to invest time teaching them and discipling them. I need to take people out soul winning, run youth activities, and invest my time winning the hearts of people that they might give their hearts to Jesus Christ.

The person who is undedicated, drifts from church to church, or is casual in their commitments to a local church rarely make the big difference they could make.  If someone does not attend faithfully and do not become a part of the ministry, their great talents will never be utilized or glorify God as they were intended to.

Are the church hoppers growing as Christians?  Possibly.  Are those who get their church online or from casual once-in-a-while church attendance spiritually developing a love for God?  Possibly, but they will not make the same impact as the one faithfully discipling and training people to live for God.  No one does that unless they give their heart and soul to a church and a group of people.

Each church has weaknesses, and could perhaps do something better in one way or another, but the fact is, you should find a church, a group of people, an opportunity to invest your life in others, and then sell yourself out to do something big for God.

In nearly fifty years of ministry, I have known some of the finest Christians with some of the most amazing gifts and abilities, yet I have seen them do so little with their lives. They will be in our church for a while then another church. Then they come back to our church for a while, but because of their unfaithfulness, they never can secure a position of ministry that would allow their gifts to be used to the fullest potential.

I have seen people with very minimal gifts be greatly used by God because of their simple willingness to be faithful. Give me a faithful, loyal, average person and I promise you I will see more accomplished in their life than the one with unusual gifts who can never settle down to faithfulness.



