In Case Anyone Is Wondering
Good Morning,
I was just listening to a sermon by Tom Malone, way up in years and still the same man he was over half a century ago. The body may grow weary, but the truth of the Bible never changes. The mind may slow and grow frail, but the wisdom of Heaven is in fine shape. I know many Christians drift with the passing of years, but somehow it just seems to me that what was true is still true, and what was right is still right. While listening to Tom Malone in his 80s, I was reminded of the simple truth, “buy the truth and sell it not.”
Here we are, just past our fortieth church anniversary, and I want to bring up a few things, in case anyone is wondering. Older, slower, gray and limping a little, but doing my best to walk the walk, by His grace.
I was trained and began our church believing some very basic and simple principles, and by His mercy and grace, my wife and I still believe the same as we did forty years ago. Why mention my wife? Because many times, a preacher’s wife or teenager is what pulls him away from the sound beliefs which were clearly taught in his early ministry. My wife stands at my side, faithful to the Bible, to the church, and thankfully, to her husband. (A guy can hardly make it without his wife standing in the same path.)
Yes, we still believe in soul winning. We still go out each week, my wife with her partner, and I with mine, and we go looking for folks to which we can witness. During the month of our anniversary our people passed out 20,000 fliers, and mailed another 20,000, but that was not all we did, our church folks knocked on doors, witnessed, and won folks to Christ. People got saved each week, and the baptistry is still being used; as people we met during our anniversary month are just beginning to show up and get saved.
Yes, we still believe the King James Bible is the Word of God. We do not only believe it, we read it daily. My wife is a Bible studier, for lengthy times each day, many hours a week, my wife studies and writes notes from her study. We do not use other Bibles to see what they say. We not only believe and use the King James. That is the only version in our church bookstore, and it is all our staff and volunteers use. If someone is to teach in our Sunday school or hold a position of leadership, they have to sign a statement that they believe the King James to be the Word of God.
Yes, we still believe in standards of modesty, both my wife and I. There is not an article of clothing in my wife's side of the closet that would resemble anything on my side. We believe that it is an abomination for a man to put on things that pertain to a woman and the other way around. We are unashamed of what we were taught, and we do not apologize for what we have taught over the decades because we still believe the same.
We are not bowing down to the pressures of society; for society was against us forty years ago when we started Faith Baptist Church. We are not changing to try to gain more members, for we never did that when we started years ago, and we sure are not going to start now after four decades.
Yes, we still believe in living a separated life. I preach against going to casinos (and gambling), Hollywood, and places of public nudity like pools and beaches (when they are occupied by the indiscreet world). I preach against liquor, both social drinking and drunkenness. I preach against tobacco, and any other thing that might control our bodies or minds.
I preach that the government is a necessary evil, something to be honored as long as it does not cross the line that goes against the Bible. We believe that government is something to resist when necessary, and not to be trusted.
Yes, we still believe that it is none of my business what another person believes. I am not only a Bible believer, but I also believe in our national documents. I believe it is the right of each person to worship as he chooses, to exercise his faith, and to speak his mind according to the First Amendment. I do believe Romans 14:4: “Who art thou that judgest another man's servant?” I am no man's judge, and I am not on earth to condemn or condone the choices of another. I leave that to God and country. If someone believes differently than I, it is none of my business; but another person’s beliefs will not stop me from embracing my own beliefs simply because they are different.
Yes, we still believe we should love one another. The part of the Bible that says to love one another, to love our enemy, and to love the brethren, yes, that part is of God. A person need not love me in order to be loved by me. Many an embittered heart towards me would be frustrated to know that I pray for them, for their children, and for their futures. My love for others is that I wish them well, that God will pardon their wrong, and will bless their home.
Forty years and we have cried some, laughed much, and hopefully helped many. As we have grown older, our faith has strengthened while our physical strength has waned. Our friends are easier to see with time, and we have noticed that the depth of Christianity eventually reveals itself outwardly.
In forty years, one thing has changed; we can hurt for people more. When we were young, we had no idea of the hurt that people faced. After decades of friendships and seeing so many dear friends suffer, after unknown trips to the cemetery, after surgeries and weeping with dear ones who lost a marriage or a child to the world, yes, we have changed. We feel more deeply, we care more, and I hope we are better able to have biblical compassion.
Forty years and no regrets, except we wish we would have been more wise, more discerning, and accomplished more of the goals we began to do.
In case anyone is wondering, by His grace and with His help, we still believe.
Ephesians 6:13 “...and having done all, to stand.”
vs. 14 “Stand…"