Identifying Spiritual or Carnal

Good Morning,

David had been chased by Saul for a long time.  Hiding in caves, forests, and other countries, David sought to avoid a fight with the king.    When David finally heard that Saul had died, he was broken – not glad.  His reaction to the news was proof of his spiritual mindset.  

2 Samuel 1:11 “Then David took hold on his clothes, and rent them; and likewise all the men that were with him:” vs. 12 “And they mourned, and wept, and fasted until even, for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, and for the people of the LORD, and for the house of Israel; because they were fallen by the sword... (Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow: behold, it is written in the book of Jasher.)”

vs. 19 “The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places: how are the mighty fallen!”

David memorialized Saul, wrote a song or poem to honor him, and taught the boys to use the bow in memory of Saul and Jonathan. Having had twice the chance to take Saul’s life, and avoiding it, his actions were clearly understood that David did not wish any ill upon his king.  

Spiritual men seek no harm to others, even those who hate them.  Rather than seek to take Saul’s life, David left Saul to the hand of God. This was not feigned remorse, but sincerity.  David truly grieved over Saul’s death, and he made Saul look good by talking about his good qualities.  

vs. 23 “Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided: they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions.”

David did not seek to ruin the reputation of Saul; he protected it. Why?  Because David was a man after God’s own heart, and his actions identified his true character.  

After gaining the throne, David heard of those who honored the fallen body of Saul:

2 Samuel 2:4 “And the men of Judah came, and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah. And they told David, saying, That the men of Jabeshgilead were they that buried Saul.”

vs. 5 “And David sent messengers unto the men of Jabeshgilead, and said unto them, Blessed be ye of the LORD, that ye have shewed this kindness unto your lord, even unto Saul, and have buried him.”

The admonitions are clear. Those who walk with God and love Him can be easily identified by their words and treatment of those who hate them.  Godly people care for others, even those who hate them.  Godly people can be identified by their concern for their enemies.

The sorry culture that seeks to destroy is far from godly.  Wise, spiritual people seek only good for others.  Carnal people will argue this point, but we need not read far in the Scriptures to see how these truths are taught.  Jesus said we are to love our enemies and pray for them that despitefully use us.  

Psalm 35:12 “They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul.”

vs. 13 “But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.”

vs. 14 “I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother.”

More than a few stories like this are written in the Scriptures; for godliness is revealed by the relationship to those who hate you.  On the cross, Christ pled, “Father forgive them.” Stephen prayed warmly for those who threw stones at him: “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.” Joseph held no ill will toward those who sold him as a slave – think about that – they sold him into slavery!  Joseph said God sent me before you to save people. 

Genesis 50:20 “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” 

As we live in a culture of character assassination and tactics designed for political and social destruction, let us remember that godly people are identified by their love for one another and their desire for the best reputation, even of their enemies.   



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