Holiday Hints


Dear Friends,

Here are a few thoughts I have mentioned in the past; perhaps they will help lend some sanity to your holidays:

  1. Budget - Create some kind of a budget for spending, either a total amount for the holidays or a per person budget plan.

  2. Schedule - Schedule your shopping so that you do not wear out your family by staying out all night.

  3. Keep Shopping Lists - Parents should have lists that record what was purchased for whom, especially those who are early shoppers.  Sometimes a gift is purchased early in the year and we forget that it was purchased and we end up repeating the purchase.

  4. Forget the "I Have To" - You do not “have to” go to someone's house; you do not “have to” spend money; and you do not “have to” drink booze because others do.

  5. Stay Spiritual During the Holidays - Stay in church; keep reading your Bible; and make a plan to keep your family close to God.

  6. Remember Those Who Are Hurting During the Holidays - The poor, lonely, widows, and those who could be depressed or discouraged are in need of your encouragement during the holidays.

  7. Keep Yourself Alive With A Vision — If you face some discouraging hours, write down things you plan to do in the new year. 

  8. Have Fun - Do not get so focused on the holiday that you forget to smile, play, goof off with your family etc…

  9. Keep Your Expectations Simple - Do not allow yourself to expect "things" or expect a "reaction" in response to things you give.

  10. Remember Jesus - Take time with Him; it is His birth we are celebrating.



King James

