Go Fund Me

Good Morning,

I heard Pastor Domelle make a statement on his morning youtube video: "Go fund me or God fund me?"   He was speaking of how we run to a social media platform when trouble comes instead of going to God.  I am 100% in agreement.  I have never sent money through "Go fund me.”  I will send a check or cash to help with a need, or I will do whatever I can to help people I know (and those I do not know). Regardless of the need, I will not participate in a program that makes God-hating liberals rich, and will keep money back if they do not like the cause.

What happened to prayer, the church, and Christian friends? 

Have we forgotten the Canadian truckers who never got the money that was sent to them?  Some social / political demon determined that freedom was not to be funded. 

Now some will say that getting the word out is so much faster through go fund me. That may be another problem: we do not want to wait on God to fix our problem.  As everything else in our culture, we want it NOW!!

I will take a shot in the dark to say that I bet few, if any, of the go fund me projects ever had a group prayer meeting over the need. I doubt the "friends" who want everyone to contribute through this heathen organization ever fasted a day for a friend in need.  Now I admit, I could be wrong, but think and ask yourself, when have you had anyone send out a group text for a special prayer meeting, or to ask friends to take a meal or a day to fast for the friend in need?

Galatians 5:13 “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.”

I do not think it a sin to use go fund me, but I think it is an occasion for the flesh to take the lead rather than the spirit. Likewise, I am not against giving to friends or strangers in need. In four decades of ministry, we have rarely kept a Wednesday night offering; we give them away.  We give away special offerings when we have communion.  We give money away when we gather food and grocery gift cards for the poor. We give away millions of dollars to missionaries. I encourage people to carry cash for the needs of the poor we meet throughout the week.  The beggar does not have a way to use "cash" from phone to phone.  

Luke 6:38 “Give, and it shall be given unto you…"   That statement is in the Bible! 

Giving is an intimate part of the Christian life, but like many mission boards who retain endless donations, I want my gift to go to the person I intend it for, not an organization taking advantage of the needy.  

During the holidays, check the percentage of your donations that actually get to the need.  You will find that some of the biggest charitable organizations are sucking away your gift and giving it to advertisers, administrators and office staff who get the majority of the donations.

Let us give, but may we be sure it gets to the intended person, and perhaps waiting on time in prayer and fasting can be reinstituted.  




