Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Several years ago, I became curious about modern television shows and searched Google for the top, most-watched television shows. I checked on a few of the favorites, being curious about the influence of those shows on marriage. I am not an avid watcher of television; the following is a list of “favorites” and includes my observations about the characters.

Signed Sealed Delivered: no one is married, except the couple who split up; dysfunctional members make up the successful team; no one has children.

NCIS: no one is married; several characters sleep around often; one guy becomes the brunt of constant jokes about multiple wives; no children are in the story.

NCIS LA: one guy married, but is never seen with her; other characters are living together; no home life is mentioned.

Blacklist: no one is married; no children are in the story.

Elementary: no one is married; no children are in the story.

Walking Dead: No need to go farther!

Shield: no one is married; some characters sleep around; no children are in the story.

Avengers: a rich pervert is portrayed; Captain America is unmarried.

The relationships that are found, mainly center on sex, not love, and certainly do not center around a home, on being loving, committed, or loyal; neither do those relationships involve the training of children for the next generation.

If we were to follow the big-name sports stars, we might find the same scenario.

The idea being portrayed is that life does not center around the home, marriage, or a committed relationship, but rather, real life involves a career, party life, and sex; and life does not include marriage or having a family. Where do we find a storyline with a dad and mom training a child? One might say that no one is interested in such a story line, but check out the shows of the 60s and you will find many of the television shows had family-based story lines: Father Knows Best, Leave It To Beaver, The Waltons; or stories about the struggle of single parenting like The Rifleman or My Three Sons.

Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”

That which we think about changes our views and our actions. I do not know much about television shows, but these are examples of what our society is growing up with — no wonder our nation is a mess.

May we guard our “entertainment,” for it is actually brainwashing.



