Election Results

Good Morning,

Psalms 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…"

With elections over, I have noticed some finger pointing, blaming, and basically refusals to admit, "It is our fault."  

I am one who believes the counts have been tampered with, that dead people vote, unelected people get elected, and that we are fast-losing our honor as a nation – BUT THAT IS NOT THE PROBLEM!  

1. Public Education. I think it is time to blame ourselves for five decades of placing our children in public schools that teach anything but patriotism and true American history.  Our government schools have failed greatly, but regarding our elections, the classes on government, history, civics, and morality are the primary issues to blame.  

2. We have done our best to place our children in secular colleges and universities that stand violently against the most basic principles our families and nation have traditionally stood for. We have paid people to deceive and pervert our children’s minds, and that is our own fault.  The non-college educated Americas hated to accept handouts and wanted to work for what they received.  The college-educated America of today wants handouts from parents, state, and federal government. The non-college-educated America wanted to make a good name for themselves.  College-educated Americans demand rights and privileges that they never did anything to gain. 

3.  I believe elections turned out less than conservative because we have failed to take a stand for righteousness in our homes, churches, and neighborhoods.  We have surrendered to perversion on television, allowed limitless access to media on tablets and phones, and accepted a "Me First" culture.  Conservatives have allowed their families to grow up thinking "feeling good" was more important that "doing good."  When you combine those qualities, it yields liberal voters.  American conservatives have created a generation of liberals!  It is not the fault of social media or the result of "Big Tech" influences.  

American Conservative Christian parents have allowed their children to be educated by liberals for decades, and now we have a serious philosophical problem in our nation. May we not blame others, but ourselves.  

One more thought many people will not care to hear.

As Christians, we should put God in the equation.  If we want God to bless America, we need to get back to Bible reading and prayer in our homes and church attendance on Sunday!   

Election results?  We have created this problem with decisions of compromise and godless living.  Yes, there is evil, corruption and injustice, but the blame is on the one we look at in the mirror.  



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