
Good Morning,

Romans 1:14  “I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.”

vs. 15 “So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.”

Romans 9:2 “That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.”

vs. “3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:"

Paul owed a serious debt to the Jewish people, as well as to the Gentiles. Consider that these Jewish people lied, deceived, attacked, followed him from city the city, and had him falsely imprisoned, yet he loved them. Paul said he would wish to go to hell himself if it would save the Jewish people.

I cannot tell anyone else what they should do, but I believe the example is clear – we owe a debt.  I owe a debt to two pastors who invested in me. I owe a debt to the church members who financed the buildings where I attended church and college. I owe a debt to the parents who taught me everything from how to wipe my nose and tie my shoes to how to work and do my job well.

I owe a debt to the faithful church members who have stood by me and built, not only buildings but lives. I owe a debt to those who gave generously of their time, talents, and treasure, that souls might be saved, young people might be trained, and so we could have a part in sending the Gospel to the world.

I owe my wife who has followed my dreams and joined wholeheartedly in the great sacrificial work we have done for over four decades.  I owe a debt to her; she has worked to raise our children and never complained about my long hours or the tight budget.

I do not choose to follow the self-centered critics, who slander those who trained them.  I cannot join the circle of people who assault those who sacrificed in order to give them an education, and put up with their foolishness in order to help them grow to maturity. I will not follow the people who forsake the loyalty they owe to those who literally built the life that they now criticizes and slander their own founder.

My parents will be loved and respected, and honored in my words and deeds. The two churches and two pastors that have invested in my life and the life of my wife, will be spoken about with respect, honor, and held in high esteem. If Paul could wish that he would be sent to hell in exchange for Jews to be be saved, how much love and loyalty do we owe those who invested in us?

I owe much to America.  With all its weaknesses, all I physically have came from this nation and those who went before me.  I will love my nation, pray for my nation, and be frustrated with those who criticize my nation.  I am bothered when someone comes from another country and drinks from the well of U.S. prosperity, and then tries to turn this great land into the sewer from which they came.  When an uneducated gal immigrates to the U.S. and becomes a bartender, and within a few years, becomes a millionaire in Congress, I say, “What a nation of opportunity!”  When that same person says, “What a racist nation of bigots,”  I am greatly bothered.  I am angered when D.C. residents, who call themselves “elite,” live in luxury, yet try to eliminate our founding documents. Spoiled brats, egotistical tyrants, arrogant yet worthless leaches on a great nation: I have no use for them, for they owe a debt! 

I wish my nation could be saved. I wish there would be revival again stirring hearts all across our nation.  I owe so much to this land, to our founders, and to those who gave their lives on the altar of military service.  I am a debtor.



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