
Good Morning,

Considering the importance of each one of our lives, I have been thinking of how vital men are to our society.  Teach your boys how important they are.   Train them to take responsibility for everything from the care of the dog to the future of our churches and nation.  

There are things a dad can do to help our nation and our church.

If dads were to read their Bibles faithfully, both alone and with their children, how influential that would be!  Moms, do not try to MAKE dad read to the kids. Fathers, how powerful would be the impression on your children if they heard your voice reading the precious Word of God daily?  What an impact it would make on the hearts of children to see their dad reading his Bible on his own and hearing him comment about something he read from his Bible that day! Wow!  Dads could change the course of society!

How influential it would be if our dads were to sing with their families in devotions or even as they drove down the freeway.  Music touches our society in movies, cartoons, commercials, and ball games.  Do not miss this incredible, yet simple way to change the course of your children’s lives!  Music is everywhere! How great it would be if dads would sing and play good music every time possible.  What an influence dad could be if he were to sing out in church, to sit with his children while singing the hymns of the faith, and say, “Amen!” during a song or the preaching.  Dads, we need you; your church needs you and your nation needs you.  

Our folks have heard me mention 1 Timothy 2 where Paul writes to the young preacher:

1 Timothy 2:1 “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;”

The first thing Paul wanted Timothy to teach the new believers was that men needed to pray, and especially to pray for their leaders (the people who were killing Christians and feeding believers to lions). Yes, Paul said, “Pray for them.”  A praying dad would change his world. Men, has your wife heard her name called out in prayer from your lips?  When was the last time your children heard their names called out by dad before the Throne of Grace to find help for their day?  O, how prayer can change the world around us!  

I must also sadly mention how powerful an influence dad is when he neglects Bible reading, prayer, singing hymns, and training his family.  Recently, I read that the vast majority of the men in jail grew up without a dad.  Another statistic I have read but would not argue is that of mass shootings. One shooter was a Middle Eastern woman who walked into the YouTube headquarters and opened fire on the employees (she felt YouTube was not giving her vegan site enough attention). Many of the others, it appears, were men who had no good fatherly influence and were drugged by some behavioral medicine.   How powerful dads are!   You ladies should be passionate about keeping your family intact.  What is the greatest thing a lady can do?  Keep her husband!   Yes, I know drugs and depravity break up homes, but if there is any way to keep your marriage, do it.  Remember the last words of our Old Testament tell us that the hope of a nation is dads and children being close.  No wonder Satan works to break up homes and place rebellion in the hearts of children.  

Malachi 4:6 “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”

Dads, you matter. Never forget it!  The same statement applies to grandfathers as well!



Our Hope

