Children Dropping the Standard

Good Morning,

It is unlikely this message will get to those it would help most, but the truth should be printed and published to allow the Holy Spirit to direct people to it as He chooses.  

2 Chronicles 33:2 “But did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, like unto the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel."

vs. 3 “For he built again the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down, and he reared up altars for Baalim, and made groves, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them.”

Manasseh had grown up with a very successful father/king.  The nation prospered, the Lord was honored, and this boy and his siblings were the recipients of a blessed home and nation.  The dad died, and the son began to make changes.  (Changes probably already made in his personal life, but God did not see fit to print them, so we do not know for sure.)

Manasseh brought much wrong into the kingdom, and suffering followed. In his later years, after captivity, he returned to the Lord, but could not bring back his son or his kingdom (33:22).  Satan is happy to get your youth. If he loses you back to the Lord in your old age, he tolerates it; for your days of influence were used to tear down the good done by others.  His son was lost due to his carnal ways, but his grandson did right; perhaps in repentance, Manasseh influenced his grandson for good.  (33:12-13, 34:2)

Did anyone ever consider the great leaders whose children thought they had a better plan?  Samuel,  Solomon, Dwight Moody, Billy Sunday, and many more who have lived much closer to our day, all had children who chose a different path.  These youths felt they had better ideas. They thought their dad or pastor was too strong, too harsh, or too narrow, yet, what compromiser has ever improved on the home, church, or nation?

Lessons to consider:

1. They could see the successful end of their parents lives; their own is unsure, so why risk it?

2. In each case, the family was hurt by the poor choices of the child or children.

3. In each case, the nation was hurt by the "do it my way" kind of thinking that the children developed.

4. Returning to the Lord later in life does not make up for the wrong direction set for your children or for your influence on your nation.  

5. Dropping the standard of righteousness has never improved the church, the family, or the nation.

6. It just could be that the parents know more than the children.



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