
Do not blame anyone but yourself.

Romans 14:12 “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.”

We hear much about why people do this or what drives someone to do that. The scenario is not uncommon; Adam said, “The woman thou gavest me…” It was either God or the woman who received the blame, but surely, Adam was not going to take the blame. We are all prone to blame others for our troubles or even our sin. Today, even our society responds with blame.

If a guy shoots a group of people, we study his background and ask if he was loved, if he was a loner, and if he faced difficulties in his life. Yet the bottom line is, he shot some people and he needs to be shot or hanged!

Society does not cause a man to kill others, nor is it America and her moral impropriety that brings about the hatred of radical Islamic groups (or even some political groups). Those involved with Islam choose to kill; they choose to hate; they choose to take life — that is no Christian doctrine; that is a satanic doctrine! Islam has been killing and beheading folks for thousands of years. President Jefferson had trouble with Islamic people and pirates in the North African area. The pornography or movie industry of our country did not cause the behavior of those people — the cause was the evil in their hearts. America was no super power in those days to bring about the ill treatment. Islam was simply a culture of hatred and lawlessness; one comprised of people who hated, stole, and pillaged.

We all blame others. One man in another church said, “I would be in the ministry had I not married my wife.” What a terrible thing to say! Why not do the will of God, be in the will of God, and honor the will of God today? Why not man up and say, “I married this gal I loved when I knew I should have stayed in college. We had babies, got busy with life, and I never got into the ministry.” It is not the lady's fault. Go on and serve God where you are right now instead of blaming the past for your lack of obedience today.

I knew a man long ago who was unfaithful to his wife. After hearing of this man’s actions, a good friend of mine said, “His wife drove him to it.” Now let us be honest, a wife can drive her husband away. A wife can be ugly to him and make him want to leave: but if he does wrong, he did it — not her. A wife who never communicates may leave her husband starving for conversation, but she does not make him break his vows; he does that all on his own. Unfair society does not make someone hate people. A poverty-stricken life does not force someone to steal or hurt others. Dr. Ben Carson showed us that someone can grow up as a black youth in poverty and still do right. Countless less-famous men and women likewise have proved these truths. My pastor, Dr. Jack Hyles, grew up in terrible poverty with a drunkard dad who beat him and his mother, and then left them. That poor, ghetto boy went through life without ever tasting liquor — anyone can do what they want to do.

We will give an account of our own actions to God, Who is the perfect Judge, and no newspaper will be at the judgement to try to transfer that blame to someone else.

1 Peter 4:5 “Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.”

Preachers will give an account for their actions, their teaching, and for what they allow to take place in their churches.

Hebrews 13:17 “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.”

The pastor who said he did NOT BELIEVE the doctrine of sprinkling babies was in the Bible but sprinkled babies anyway because the people liked it will stand before God for his actions, and he will not be able to blame his people. He made the choice to compromise!!

God says we will give an account of our idle words:

Matthew 12:36 “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.”

Whether it be a test in school or a bad performance in a ball game, do not allow your children to go through life pointing fingers at everyone else.

Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”

Likewise, do not blame yourself for the actions of another. Yes, a little more kindness, a little more prayer and love might have changed the situation, but that individual chose their actions and did them on their own; you did not force them into their pitiful life. Whether it be your child or a friend, you cannot blame yourself for the corrupt choices of another. Jesus did not sit around blaming Himself for Judas’ betrayal. God did not walk around mourning and trying to rethink the decision about having the tree in the garden. Adam and Eve made a choice, and it was their own fault.

My attitude is my choice; if I allow your actions to give me a bad attitude, then I am letting you run my heart and mind. That is my choice. When someone says they get angry watching the political news, well, that is their own fault; they can shut off the news. Society wants to blame everyone for everything except the one who is guilty. Let us get this straight: God does not work that way and neither should we.

Jesus often spoke of our standing to be judged for our actions; no one is going to point a finger at another person, our own actions have been because of all our choice.

Matthew 18:33 “Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?”

vs. 34 “And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him.”

vs. 35 “So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.”

We do what we do because we choose to do it. We fail because we do not study enough. We do not have a decent job because we do not adequately prepare; or maybe because God is doing something unusual in our lives — any number of reasons are possible, but let us not blame others. This trial may become a wonderful blessing; why blame someone else? Do right; love God; and honor Him with the actions of today.

Are there bad schools? Yes. Are there bad referees? (Of course! The bad ones are the ones who referee our losing games!) But in those times, we turn to God trusting that He gave us the leaders we needed to improve our game and to challenge us to be better in spirit or actions. There is more to life than winning and making money. We need to better our character and trust that God is involved in those things, both with our children and our own lives.

Blame is a sorry response to a failed situation. Confession is a far better path to travel.



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