Angry At God

Good Morning,

Job lost ten children and all his wealth, and he handled it okay. Another attack of Satan brought about the loss of health. Job’s answer to his wife was still one of faith, "Shall we receive good at the hand of the Lord and not evil also."  It was not those things that brought Job to the precipice of wrong.  Job had some friends who were innocent and broken for their friend, but it was at that point the hole in Job’s armor was discovered.  While his friends attacked his personal righteousness, accused his children, and slandered his character, Job began to bathe in self-pity and turn in frustration toward God.  

When we are pressed, I mean pressed until the weak spot is discovered in our spirit, mankind sometimes has the idea that he can be angry at God, at the church, or at people the Lord placed in their lives.  People may go through life almost ignoring the existence of Deity, but when hurt comes, someone needs to bear the brunt of their anguish.  Even the faithful Christian may, as Job, find himself so deep in sorrow that he begins to cast verbal or heartfelt wrath at the loving Lord Who gave His Son for our sins.  

Many a backslidden Christian sits home bitter at the former church or pastor over failures of their own children or their own marriage.  Many people blame God for their trouble, and perhaps it really is the plan of God, but we had better be wise enough not to become angry at the One Who holds the world in His hand.  

Ezra 10:3 “...those that tremble at the commandment of our God;”

Job 38:2 “Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?”

vs. 35 “Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?”

God railed on Job for a long time and Job gave the right answer.

Job 40:4 “Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth.”

vs. 5 “Once have I spoken; but I will not answer: yea, twice; but I will proceed no further.”

God ignored his humble submission and continued to rebuke him. This man, made by God for the glory of God, who had no power or wisdom, dared to challenge and to accuse God.  Job was reminded that he ought to fall before God and tremble.  

Psalm 99:1 “The LORD reigneth; let the people tremble.”

God asked this question:

Jeremiah 5:22 “Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence…"

When circumstances of life go hard against our dreams and goals, and when suffering enters our life, may we weep, cry out to God, pour out our hearts, and lay broken before Him, but may we not foolishly accuse Him.

Job 1:22 “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.”

Do we think God is hurt that we are angry at Him?

Do we suppose God is a grade-school friend whose feelings will get hurt when we do not treat Him kindly?

Do we suppose that God even cares that we disagree with His eternal will?  

Understand that this God, against Whom man is foolishly angry, has no problem sending multitudes of people to an eternal Hell.  The God towards Whom some spew vicious words allows cities to crumble under earthquakes, villages to be buried under mud slides, and sends hurricanes and tornados to shred communities.  Yet man, who cannot tell right from wrong much of the time, sits bitter and angry at the God Who holds all in His hands. 

God makes this observation clear in Solomon's writings;

Ecclesiastes 6:12 “For who knoweth what is good for man in this life…"

What makes mankind think they know what is best or right?  We do not know what tomorrow holds.  We do not know the length of life or the course of nations.  We can sit and weep before God.  We can sit submissively broken over our loss, but how vain and frail is man to harbor bitterness towards the Almighty.  

David wisely said, "LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am." (Psalm 39:4)

Yet some bask in the useless spectator's seat in a church where nothing eternal happens, preaching is guarded so as to never offend, ministry never touches sacrifice, and sin is never named or condemned.  As they sit there, they growl at God for the hurt they faced in life and condemn God never to be the leader or Lord of their behavior.  

Do not be angry at God!  It is better to curse the police or have a child scream at his parents than for man to be angry at his Creator.  

On the other side, do not be too hard on people; heavy burdens enter into our lives.  If you sense someone is bitter at God, just love them and allow God to bring them around. (It is probably not your place to correct their thinking.)   We know there is no reason to be bitter at the Lord, but we also know there is an enemy who is vicious as well as experienced at manipulating the emotions of men.

Whatever it is you are facing, remember anger toward God is too risky.





Purpose For Life